
Andrea, Developmental Services Intake and Transition Coordinator on Company Culture

June 05, 2024

Meet Andrea, an intake and transition coordinator for developmental services and find out what she has to say about the culture at Northern Human Services.

Video Transcript

Speaker: Andrea, Developmental Services Intake and Transition Coordinator

Please take a moment to introduce yourself and tell us about your role at Northern Human Services.

Andrea: My name is Andrea. I'm the intake and transition coordinator on the DD side of things here at Northern Human Services and I've been here for a little over a year.

What is the best part about living, working and playing in the North Country of New Hampshire?

Andrea: My favorite part about living up here in the North Country is honestly just being surrounded by all of the mountains. I love being in nature. I love being on the trails. I love camping and hiking. just kind of sitting in the woods and just kind of being one with nature. I love the quietness. being the north country brings it's so loud and crazy down south kind of from Massachusetts. That's where I moved up from a little over a year ago. So it's been a big change in my life, but definitely a change for the better. Again, I just love being surrounded by the mountains and the beauty of it all. Everybody is so kind. just a great place to live.

What three words would you use to describe the culture at Northern Human Services?

Andrea: My three words that I would use to describe the culture of Northern Human Services would be, team, passionate and caring. Team, because everybody here works as a team, really nobody here is alone. Everybody kind of works off of each other regardless if you're in different positions, different departments, you can really lean on each other for almost everything. You can go to your supervisor, you can go to your coworkers and really get support that you need. Help brainstorm with each other. A lot of our staff here have been here for a really long time. So they've seen it all. They have a lot of the answers, they have a lot of solutions. I would say definitely we're a big team here, no matter what side you're on, no matter what position you have. We're very collaborative. And again, we're a big team together and we all kind of have the same purpose, which is to support and serve our individuals here and make sure they live meaningful lives. Again, team is definitely a big one. Passionate, because we're all very passionate about making sure we can provide these services for our individuals, making sure they live meaningful and impactful lives that they do regular things that everybody else can do, making sure they have the choices in life that everybody else has. We make sure or help guide them through life, not getting exploited and taking advantage of, really looking out for our individuals. And I would say caring because we're all very caring as well for these individuals that we serve. We work with them for a really long time and they really just become a part of our everyday lives. And we generally take a caring for them. We care about their well being, we care about the decisions that they make, the people they hang out with to make sure that they are in safe environments and making safe decisions. I would say we're just all a really great team that we all work together. We're all very passionate and very caring for the jobs that we do and the individuals that we serve. I can think of a time where I was really struggling, kind of with the client figuring out how to really help serve them and what I could do. I went to a lot of my coworkers and they helped me think of ways that I could help them, ways that we can support them. They really provided a lot of guidance for me. stuck. Something that really stuck with me was how supportive they were to me and helping me realize that I may not have all the answers. We all don't have all the answers. So really leaning on each other for these things is really important.

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