
Nicole Thompson for LUXE Lifer Testimonial Videos

October 29, 2022

Video Transcript

Speaker: Nicole Thompson, Christian Life & Mindset Coach

How would you describe your physical and emotional health BEFORE learning the Stop. Dieting. Forever. process?

Nicole Thompson: Before joining the Stop. Dieting. Forever. program, I was 30 to 40 pounds overweight. Um, and in terms of emotions, I had some goals that I knew that mindset was getting in the way. I had some business goals, in addition to my health goals, um, that I knew that what was standing in the way between me and getting to those goals was mindset.

What result have you gotten from following the process?

Nicole Thompson: Stop. Dieting. Forever. the process and the coach, Jennifer for sure helped me to get to my goal weight. Um, and it's helping me also to manage my mind around when my weight goes up when about the number on the scale about how I handle stressful situations that would normally send me to the chips bag, um, and how to handle it when I feel. It has also helped me to begin to redefine myself as someone who sets goals and meets them and it's just given me a confidence that I didn't have before, a confidence in me, a confidence in myself that I am able to get stuff done and when I'm not getting stuff done, I know how to figure out why and if I'm not figuring out why I know how to get the help I need, it's been a game changer.

Why is this weight loss process different from a diet?

Nicole Thompson: So Stop. Dieting. Forever is not a diet at all. After having worked with Jennifer one on one and in the group since 2020, it's now 2022. As of the recording of this video, um Jennifer still doesn't know what I eat apart from the times when we've met in real life. It's not about a diet at all, it's about learning about yourself, redefining your relationship with yourself, Redefining your relationship with food, learning how to manage your mind instead of avoiding emotions or thoughts by using food and any of the other coping mechanisms that we turn to avoid instead of to engage. Stop. Dieting. Forever. is about learning to live your life in freedom. Not by escaping, not by avoiding but by learning to love yourself and it sounds like a weird way to lose weight, but when you think about it, most of us who have struggled with our weight have struggled with our weight because we eat when we're not hungry and we eat when we're not hungry most times out of just habits or out of just emotional - Finding ways to cope that are easy or that are habitual that have nothing to do with actually engaging the issue and getting resolution. Stop. Dieting. Forever. Stop. Dieting. Forever. helps you to get to the issue and to be a whole person and to put food in its rightful place and when as you learn to do that, as you practice doing that as that becomes a part of your life. The unnecessary weight actually just comes off and food takes its rightful place in your life. Instead of being your emotional babysitter, instead of being your therapist, food becomes something that provides nutrients to your body and enjoyment to your life. Um So not a diet, Stop. Dieting. Forever is not about dieting at all, which is amazing because again, this is something you can carry through all your life. A diet is restricted to like it restricts what you can eat. It restricts when you eat, it restricts like there are certain circumstances in your life maybe that you can't like I know there have been times when I have not been able to follow a certain diet that I was doing probably because of work issues or availability of stuff or being able to afford stuff. Stop. Dieting. Forever.; It's not about that, it's really all about changing your life from the inside out.

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