Speakers: Bobbi Sanchez, MA, BCN, Neurofeedback Practitioner, bobbisanchez.com. Sara Deveau, Neurofeedback Technician, Aroostook Brain Training
What problem were you trying to solve, and what made you choose NewMind over anything else?
Bobbi Sanchez, MA, BCN: When I came to NewMind, I was looking for an affordable way to do neurofeedback on myself and with my family. Both my teenage son and I were finishing up a round of neurofeedback when he got a concussion snowboarding. He didn't want to go back to his neurofeedback practitioner and I didn't want to pay for missed appointments, but felt that both he and I would benefit from more neurofeedback. Because I have the educational background to do neurofeedback, I started looking into training requirements. The tech who would run some of my sessions recommended NewMind Academy as an online option to complete the 36 hour didactic course. I found a local mentor. Then after my training, worked for her as a neurofeedback technician. I started attending the NewMind Lunch and Learns where I listened in like a fly on the wall, able to watch as exports pored over brain maps. My mentor was generous with her time and explanations, but there was no way she could share as many brain maps as I was able to see on the NewMind Lunch and Learns. After a few months of being a tech, I decided to buy my own equipment through NewMind, to do neurofeedback on myself and with my family. I used NewMind suggested protocols, expanded my practice, and began training with clients
Sara Deveau: In my intervention work with Children, I was always looking for a way to help them. Oftentimes I had used every tool in my toolbox and still they were struggling learners and I would joke with colleagues that if I could just see what was happening in their brain, I would have a better sense of how I could help them be more successful. At the same time, someone I loved was struggling severely with anxiety and I again was looking for any way to help this person. And this quest led me to neurofeedback. I found a provider and saw the change in my loved one and knew that this was exactly what I had been looking for; a safe drug free solution for the symptoms of so many things. So I began to research more and this led me to NewMind. After looking at various companies, the reason I chose NewMind was because of, well, first of all, the flexibility of the format for learning. I could learn at my own pace at my own home and can continue to access the material and review it whenever I feel I need to. The staff there led me through, purchasing and learning about my equipment, answered all of my questions, and just made it a very seamless process for me. One of the other things that I really like about it is that I have access to people, a variety of experts in the field, listening to the discussions, participating in the list serve or on the lunch and learn, allow me to continue to learn and grow as a practitioner, so I appreciate that. And everyone has just been so helpful and answer all of your questions and review maps with you and just help you grow as a community.