Judy Prichason, LCSW: Oh, let me say, the thing that really sold me on is the webinars, you know, for about eight years I've been attending the webinars. There are three, once you're part of the new mind family, you get access to these webinars that are offered three times a week. And I thought to myself, you know, I mean to me this is a free service. I may pay a monthly fee to have access to the whatever in the computer or the database or whatever. But you know that I look at the webinars as a free gift to me. And I've always, for over the years I've I've usually been on two out of three a week, you know, two are at noon and one is at 7:00 p.m. And and to know what it has made me feel is that I'm not a lone wolf working, I'm not by myself, I have a collegial support network behind me and I know that if I'm meeting with somebody and I think their map is extra interesting. That makes me want to present it. If it causes me to have some questions, it makes me want to ask those questions. And I know I'll get an answer. So the webinars the that you know when I first started as a clinician, I worked in a group practice where every Wednesday, everybody met to talk about cases for like an hour or two. And it molded me as a clinician because it was that same idea I had that caligula support, I wasn't alone. I didn't have to have every answer. You know, I I like to have the answers, I like to know what I'm doing.
And people who are part of the webinar, you know, most of us are not like pure neurofeedback people, we have a background and a lot of the different backgrounds come across in the webinars. So it's quite wonderful when somebody has a background in neurology or somebody else's integrative medicine or somebody else, you know, all different backgrounds, all different theoretic frameworks that people have previously practiced with and then bringing they bring neuro feedback on it. So, you know, in the beginning I just thought, oh, I'll do maps and I'll just change people's brains with the operant conditioning model and that'll be that and I've learned so much more and it really, it wasn't just the classes because classes that focuses on a large, you know, at the at the meta meta, maybe I forget whatever the large model in the webinars, we start looking at it from the smaller perspective and I learn things that I now incorporate in every evaluation I do. I learn to really look at sleep issues and look at diet issues and look at family issues and how all that has to come around you, that the brain is not going to do what we wanted to in the best way possible if we don't handle these other things as well. And whereas I might have had that in my like background, the webinars always looking at how that influences it. That has made me focus on the totality of the person.