
What is NewMind - Bobbi Sanchez

November 14, 2022

NewMind neurofeedback customer review

Video Transcript

Speakers: Bobbi Sanchez, MA, BCN, Neurofeedback Practitioner, bobbisanchez.com

Bobbi Sanchez, MA, BCN: I would describe NewMind as an all in one neurofeedback system with great customer support, that's easy to use, easy to understand, and designed primarily for the practitioner rather than the researcher. The NewMind mapping system is easy to use and has auto artifacting and simple screens to show when and where there's too much impedance. Intake is easy because there are built in questionnaires that clients can complete at home. The mapping software suggest protocols based on the areas of the brain map most outside the norm. You can use the suggested protocols or create your own. Also when training, you don't have to reinput all the training parameters at the beginning of each session. At the end of each session, the overall trend screen and other data is saved to NewMind Maps. The NewMind Lunch and Learns welcome beginners while attracting experts who generously share their knowledge and insight.

Bobbi Sanchez, MA, BCN: I would recommend the NewMind system because it's comparably affordable, easy to use, and because the Lunch and Learns present an incredible ongoing opportunity to learn and ask questions.

Produced with Vocal Video