Speaker: Busè Babadag, Ballet San Antonio
Busè Babadag: Hello. I'm Busè and I'm a professional ballerina dancing with Ballet San Antonio currently. I've been a professional ballerina for nine years now. I started dancing when I was 11 years old. It's pretty late actually and I studied a little bit in Turkey in the conservatory and then I went to Germany Munich for my bachelor diploma and bachelor degree. And then after getting that I got a job offer with Tulsa Ballet as my first contract and I moved to America and I danced with Tulsa Ballet, Dance Alive National Ballet, Indianapolis Ballet, and now I'm a soloist dancer with Ballet San Antonio.
Busè Babadag: I was having a little issue with my right knee behind my right knee and that was a spot that it's not a muscle, it's not a tendon. It was a very weird spot and I didn't even know why I was having that pain, but it was, it was just happening a couple of months ago and I was kind of freaking out, what could it be, what am I doing wrong? You know like with my body, but it was a lot of workload as a soloist dancer. I was having that fear of is everything okay with me? Until my dear friend now I met with Mike and that's what he does, he just heals people. And he just offered me, hey you're my neighbor, he's my neighbor as well. And he was offering me a trial for free and he was like, let me see if I can help you, but he trusted himself that it was going to be really helpful and I was like, okay, you know, like, I just wanna heal my body, let's do it whatever it takes. And I had a few trials with him at home actually and it each was I think 10 to fifteen minutes and we had ARPWave therapy with him. After three or four sessions, my pain behind my knee was completely gone, which is really interesting because the knees are a very sensitive and very critical place in our body part of our body and it's a little scary to have a pain specifically as a valid answer on the knees or ankles. So that pain was gone and I couldn't believe I was like, is that even possible? Like what does it even do? And he explained me how the ARPWave works and why it works and we worked on my muscles that weren't working correctly and it was a lazy one that I didn't know and I got stronger and stronger really fast. Now, it's almost like addiction, I cannot do without that. I have to have every second day that therapy after my ballet training at the company, I just run back to him and I meet him there and we put you know, it's almost every part of my body that I want to get strong as a ballet dancer. We do the treatment and I just feel I never felt healthier actually. I really I never felt healthier as a dancer and I have so much strength and my stamina is way better than before. I just can't believe I don't think I will ever able, I don't think I will be ever able to stop doing these treatments even though I'm healthy. I think you guys should give it a try as a professional athlete.
Busè Babadag: Here's the thing with ARPWave and doing ARPWave therapies regularly. It's not just that I got huge strength on my body and healthy muscles like so that I can go back to back, you know, with ballet and like even gym stuff and work out back to back. I can do nonstop and I don't have any pain because they're healthy, they're strong enough and they're taking the workload. But it's not just that, it's very interesting and I realized that after a couple of sessions too. So if I were to, let's say, perform a big ballet and I'm already because of the stage and you know, performing that energy and all these focus comes out of you and you're done with the performance and your body is very tired at that moment. It's just like, you can't even take the stairs to your apartment anymore. And having ARPWave and that was Mike's suggestions to me. He was like, it will also make the soreness go away. And I was like, how is that even possible? Like, I just need to relax my muscles and you know, rest, not like work them and overwork them. But he was like, trust me, you will see like let's give it a try. And I was like, why not let's do it, You know, let's see, I will feel it at this. And then so I would just sit let's say, you know, not even working out with those patches on me, but I would just sit still and we would just play with the different levels. It's very interesting but it would take the soreness away for the following day. And I was like, way why do I feel very rested and I should be feeling way more tired and even sore because I did performances and you know, all day long, ballet training plus ARPWave and that's a lot of like workout actually with the machine and he keeps putting the levels up and up. So I'm like, oh my gosh, you know like, I don't know how can I handle this? But it's it just kept taking the soreness away and I was like, I hate being sore to be honest because it gives you pain even walking, taking the stairs, sitting on the couch. Like if it's sore muscles, it's just so painful. Right? It's not like injury. Yes, but it's it's a difficult one to handle too. And it takes a couple of days to go away and I don't have patience for that. But with ARPWave therapies, that soreness wouldn't even happen. I would do it on specific parts of my body and I know that let's say my hamstrings are going to be super sore and we would put the patches over there and we would just make the treatment 10 minutes after 15 and then I would just, you know like take a shower, go to sleep, and when I wake up there is nothing as a soreness. It's almost like massage. It's like relaxing your muscles but it's actually giving the strength too. So it's very very very interesting thing. I found out about it and right now I can't just do it without it actually whenever I feel like oh my gosh my back hurts. Is it sore? I forced it too much. I always run to ARPWave and just treat it and the following day it's just ready to go actually, you know. It's a very healing thing to do as well.
San Antonio ARPWave
Busè Babadag, Ballet San Antonio