
Thomas Mays for National Business Education Association Video Testimonials

October 04, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Thomas Mays, Associate Professor

Could you describe a time that National Business Education Association helped you?

Thomas Mays: What has really been most helpful about uh NBEA are the conferences? I found them to be so useful, not just the content that you get from the sessions, but also the engagement with other educators and being able to share ideas and problems and solutions. It's really been helpful to me in my career.

How would you describe National Business Education Association in three words?

Thomas Mays: The three words I would use to describe NBEA would be friendly, supportive, and engaging.

What is the main benefit you receive from NBEA?

Thomas Mays: I would say that the main benefit to me that I receive for being an NBE A member would be the publications, all of them. They're also informative and helpful and I can never wait till the next issue comes out.

Produced with Vocal Video