Speaker: Ruben Colon Velazquez, Early Careers Program Lead, Mondelez International
What is your motivation for and why are you applying to serve on the NACE Board of Directors?
Ruben Colon Velazquez: I was born, raised and fully educated in Puerto Rico as part of an underrepresented community in corporate America. I didn't even dream about careers in the United States if it weren't for the wonderful small yet mighty career services team at the University of Puerto Rico. I wouldn't have even applied to internships in the mainland when I subsequently landed an internship at my current company, Mali International, I experienced firsthand how vital it was for students like me to be part of well-rounded equitable programs like that one, I had not experienced anything in corporate America. I didn't have that privilege and this program really allowed me to unleash my full leadership potential and even become the professional that I am today because of this. I do the work that I do. Four years ago, I finally made the leap and became the early careers program lead for the same program that gave me my first opportunity as a summer intern. And I do my work to put it simply because I love to do work that's meaningful. I want to be an instrument of change and be able to open doors, windows and even tear down walls so that more people like me and other communities and other ways of life and walks of life can come into corporate America and truly make a difference. Right now. We're seeing the most diverse generation, the most educated generation we've ever seen in this country and we in our respect, respective professions have the privilege and honor to guide these young minds as they become the leaders of tomorrow. Na has been so instrumental in my own development as a leader from the resources that I've been provided to have powerful conversations at work, to the great network that I get to leverage when I need to exchange best practices or a brainstorm on ideas. Nas has been so impactful in my career. The reason why I really want to become part of this board is because I truly become and I truly believe in our profession. I believe in what we do as leaders. I believe that the current generation really needs our help. We need to ensure that they're well equipped to take on challenges that will help them become our leaders across all the different industries and truly make the world a better place. We asked NAS members have a unique vantage point, whether we're employers or colleges, we get to shape and mentor these young minds. I want to become part of the board of directors because I am so energized by the work that we do and I believe in a better future where we in a true partnership between employers and colleges can truly shape the future of this country. And with my passion, I know that I can serve proudly in this board of directors.