Speaker: Kelli K. Smith, AVPfor Student Success , Binghamton University
What is your motivation for and why are you applying to serve on the NACE Board of Directors?
Kelli K. Smith: Hello, my name is Kelly Smith and I serve as the assistant vice president for student success at Binghamton University. We're asked to share a little bit about why we're interested in a particular role with the NA board. And today, I'm applying for the vice chair role in terms of why I really credit the professional development, the cutting edge reports and research, the leadership that nice provides and the colleagues that I've met through the association for much of my professional success. The pandemic made crystal clear the importance of our nice community and the colleagues that we have in both the UR and career services space for the work that we do, the opportunities serve on the NA board gave me an even greater appreciation for not only the association and our membership, but also the incredible n staff. My hope is that you will see the strength that I can offer. My passion for NA my research practitioner approach, my de I values matched by action and an ability to help navigate challenges and capitalize on opportunities and assets so that we can serve our incredible membership even better. I'll work incredibly hard with fellow board members and the staff to ensure that na remains the premier source for professional development, cutting edge research and those trends that we often need to monitor and to ensure that our de I commitment remains at the forefront and we continue to work to make sure that our professions are elevated and that there's a commitment to double down on thoughtfully using our platform so that our most disadvantaged students are supported through advocacy such as the unpaid is unfair campaign that na took on. And that I was so proud of. Additionally, I'd use storytelling and other means to really try and open up opportunities for even more people to serve and lead our association and to do my best to continue to debunk any kind of perception that leadership opportunities are only for a select few. My capacity is in a place where I can serve at this next level. And I deeply love the opportunity to work with others on the board and the staff and our committees and our affinity groups to ensure that we lead this association and help it move forward the very best we can. I appreciate the opportunity. Thank you.