Speaker: Katie Donovan, Director of Career Services, Tufts University School of Medicine
What is your motivation for and why are you applying to serve on the NACE Board of Directors?
Katie Donovan: Hi, I'm Katie Donovan and I decided to apply to the na board of directors because I was actively trying to figure out how to get more involved and starting to do more and more things. And when I saw the application announced that, oh, this is the right time for me. I am very interested in de I and having impact on our students' lives. Um small changes that we as a board could help other schools throughout the country, implement and working with our employer. Friends really can change people's lives. I've seen it in individual clients over the years and students over the years and I wanna see if I can have an impact that's bigger than the small plan that I've been working in with career services as well as continue the broader work I've done on de I, I really appreciate you considering my application and I hope I get to work with you. Take care.