
Chaim Z Shapiro for NACE Board of Directors Nominations

November 12, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Chaim Z Shapiro, Executive Director Undergraduate Career Services, Touro University

What is your motivation for and why are you applying to serve on the NACE Board of Directors?

Chaim Z Shapiro: Well, here we are again. Thank you so much for the opportunity to apply for your consideration. There's a famous quote most likely misattributed to Mark Twain that says that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting a different result. So I really want to describe why is I keep applying for the N A board? I believe the legitimacy for what we do in career services as recruitment professionals comes in large part from the guidance that we do receive from n it's a leadership that creates the standards by which we can judge not only ourselves and our offices to the state of the profession as a whole. Professional organizations are by their very nature, symbiotic, the collective wisdom and the participation of the members create a powerful force would otherwise be unattainable. I have been active in NA for about 16 years. Nas' impact is not hypothetical. To me, I've watched participate with NAS as they confront the most challenging issues of our times. It has been a real honor to see NACE lead by example. In addition to offering guidance on all the important issues impacting our profession consuming today is therefore, is really taking a leadership role in charting the future of our profession. I'll be honored to be an active participant in the conversations and decisions which will allow us to tackle new challenges of the future with professionalism expertise, ethics and integrity. And I feel I can make a valuable contribution in those areas. I also want to point out a little bit about diversity because diversity is a strength in part because of the diversity of opinion that comes with it. And I think a lot of people don't understand some of the diversity that I come with. Uh I've actually lived in six state, New York is my sixth state and I've been part of colleges in California, Illinois and New York. So I have a little bit of a diverse perspective when it comes to uh different colleges across the country. In addition, being raised as an Orthodox Jew with a religious upbringing is a little bit different. I think in the perspective that has been provided to people in NA leadership at any point up until this point. So I think it would be a good additional voice, especially now. Unfortunately, in a time of rising anti-semitism, I haven't gained so much from NA over the last 16 years, both professionally and personally and a board leadership role will enable me to pay my debt forward and help ensure that NAS continues to provide the best guidance and leadership to the next generation of professionals. I hope you do not judge me as insane under the Mark Twain uh standard. But I definitely want to project the idea of why it is. I'm very, very interested in joining the new sport.

Produced with Vocal Video