
University of IL Chicago: Career Readiness Excellence Award

May 13, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Elizabeth Herrera, Director, Career Development, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Elizabeth Herrera: Hello, my name is Elizabeth Herrera, Director of Career Development within the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Illinois Chicago. We are the recipient of the Career Readiness Award.

Talk briefly about your program and what sparked you to develop it.

Elizabeth Herrera: Our office developed an eight-week career course for Liberal Arts and Sciences students which integrates Clifton Strengths, principles of designing your life, and the NACE Career Readiness Competencies. Many Liberal Arts and Sciences students often face challenges in recognizing the versatility of their education and the many career paths that they can pursue. Through this course. we aim to provide students with a holistic understanding of the skills and attributes essential for success in their future careers, while recognizing and embracing their strengths and professional identity.

What were you trying to achieve? Did you achieve what you expected?

Elizabeth Herrera: Through this course, we aim to create a transformational journey that fosters comprehensive career readiness and an understanding as to the value of a Liberal Arts and Sciences education. Through a pre- and post- survey, focusing on key aspects such as understanding interests, strengths, values, and the ability to articulate a personal brand, including confidence in resumé optimization, leveraging LinkedIn, readiness for informational interviews and networking, interview skills, and overall preparedness to design a unique career path. the data revealed significant increases in students' confidence levels across the career readiness competencies. This showcased the course's effectiveness in achieving its objectives and the transformational outcomes within only eight weeks.

Were there any surprises—any results you weren’t expecting?

Elizabeth Herrera: One of the unexpected surprises through the course evaluations, we had many students express interest in the course being extended to 16 weeks and wishing that they would have discovered this course earlier in their academic journey.

How did you develop this program? What processes did you use?

Elizabeth Herrera: In developing this course, we used the NACE Career Readiness Competencies as a foundation for the course modules. Each module incorporates self-reflection and group discussion activities centered around Clifton Strengths and concepts of designing your life.

From your perspective, what was the single most important outcome of this program?

Elizabeth Herrera: As the creator and designer of this course, from my perspective, the significant outcome of this course was to see the increased confidence levels of our students as it pertained to their career and professional development.

If someone wants to replicate your program, what do they need to know upfront (the first steps to take, potential pitfalls to watch for)?

Elizabeth Herrera: To replicate this course, I believe it is essential to get support from your college administration. In addition, since the course is not required, it is instrumental to have great partnerships and collaboration with your academic advising team, as they are pivotal in promoting the course.

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