
Ashley SIlva for NACE Award Winners 2024: Organization Award Winners

May 13, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Ashley SIlva, AVP, Talent Acquisition

Please state your full name, title, organization, and the award name.

Ashley SIlva: My name is Ashley Silva. I am the A VP of talent acquisition at Global Atlantic Financial Group and we won the 2024 recruiting excellence award.

Talk briefly about your program and what sparked you to develop it.

Ashley SIlva: Already submitted this one.

What were you trying to achieve? Did you achieve what you expected?

Ashley SIlva: Already submitted this one.

Were there any surprises—any results you weren’t expecting?

Ashley SIlva: Already submitted this one.

How did you develop this program? What processes did you use?

Ashley SIlva: Already submitted this one.

From your perspective, what was the single most important outcome of this program?

Ashley SIlva: The most important outcome our recruiting efforts have had on our early career programs has been diversity. We've been able to attract diverse talent into our early career programs, bringing in different backgrounds, different perspectives, all while making our company better and our culture stronger.

If someone wants to replicate your program, what do they need to know upfront (the first steps to take, potential pitfalls to watch for)?

Ashley SIlva: If someone is looking to replicate global Atlantic success in the early career space, my suggestion would be to focus on the candidate experience, taking a look at your application process. And how does that feel, looking at the touch points that take place throughout the process? How are your hiring managers engaged? What technologies are you using to help the candidates throughout the process? All of those things are really important to ensuring successful candidate engagement, how they feel about your brand and ultimately getting them on board at your organization.

Produced with Vocal Video