
Steven for nadapayments Video Testimonials

November 21, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Steven

How has Nadapayments saved you time or money?

Steven : Nadapayments has helped me save 80% of my merchant fees and it makes my team more effective when it comes to collecting payments

How have your patients reacted to you implementing nadapayments at your practice

Steven : We've been using nadapayments for the last year and we've never had a complaint by any one of our patients. Even the ones that usually complain.

How does Nadapayments stand out from others?

Steven : They integrate directly into our software which makes life much easier when it comes to posting payments and making sure that everybody is doing it effectively.

What's your favorite NadaPayments feature?

Steven : My favorite feature is the ability to send patients text message links where they could just pay on their own time and I don't have to chase them every day.

Produced with Vocal Video