
Marvin Owens for Destination Cleveland NAACP National Convention 2028 Bid Support Video

July 26, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Marvin Owens, Senior Strategist, Office of the Mayor

Why is Cleveland a great place to visit?

Marvin Owens: Why is Cleveland a great place to visit? You know, growing up here in Cleveland, I don't think I fully appreciated all that Cleveland had to offer, but now having moved back home, uh I can't help but celebrate what you see and what I'm experiencing here in my hometown, Cleveland has award winning restaurants if you like to eat and if you like great food, Cleveland is a great place to visit. Uh They are extremely powerful and important uh historic uh uh institutions to visit um world class, arts and entertainment venues. Um Cleveland has a lot to offer. In fact, what Cleveland has are big city offerings in a small town. So if you come to Cleveland, you are going to have a great time, you're going to be informed, you're going to have fun, but also you're going to be enriched by the amazing culture of this place that I call home.

What makes Cleveland the best place to host the NAACP National Convention?

Marvin Owens: What makes Cleveland the best place to host the N A AC P National Convention. Well, for decades, Cleveland Ohio has been in the vanguard of progressive political policies. Cleveland has always been a place that was willing to embrace black leadership. Uh go back decades uh with the election of uh Carl Stokes as mayor of this city. And that amazing legacy actually continues to this day in the person of our current mayor. Uh Justin Bibb, a young, talented, gifted visionary leader uh of our city. So Cleveland Ohio is a great place to visit and a great place to host the N A AC P convention. Cleveland Ohio is also in Ohio, the state of Ohio, a state where economic injustice continues to this day. A state where uh we struggle with what does real police reform uh look like? How do we grapple with the problems that exist in our country? Cleveland, Ohio and Cleveland in Ohio overall is a test case for the kinds of solutions that champion equity and justice. And so as local leaders, the presence of the N A AC P convention would strengthen our voices as we can continue this fight So we need to have you come, you need to come to Cleveland so that you can highlight the kind of important work that not only happened, happening here in Cleveland, but also happening all over the country. We'd love to have you here. And I think this, the N AC P convention would do extremely well in this city.

What else would you like the decision-makers at NAACP to know about Cleveland as a destination for meetings and conventions?

Marvin Owens: What else would you like the decision makers at NECP to know about Cleveland as a destination for meetings and conventions. Cleveland is a small town with big city amenities. You have great hotels, great restaurants, great cultural venues, amazing places to visit and to see. It's great for the whole family. Um Cleveland is a great place to visit because it's not only a great convention place, but it's a great meeting place. It's a great gathering place. And so members of the N A AC P family would find, find a, a lot to do in the city of Cleveland, but also a lot to experience in terms of the uh of the city's ex extremely diverse culture. Um You'll enjoy yourself in the city of Cleveland.

We’d love to host you in Cleveland in 2028 NAACP!

Marvin Owens: Well, in AC P family, it would be wonderful to have you come to Cleveland, Ohio. I'd love to host you. And in my hometown, coming here to Cleveland is an amazing opportunity to extend the movement, our movement for justice and equity. It's an opportunity to amplify the voices of our local leadership in powerful ways. But it's also a chance to open up and invite others to, to join with us in this fight. We'd love to have you here. God bless you. Peace.

Produced with Vocal Video