
We saved ourselves time and money following Christie's advice

May 05, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Velia Amarasingham, Co-Founder, Producer, Performer , Curated Entertainment

What did you see Christie speak about?

Velia Amarasingham: Hi, I saw Christie Osborne facilitate a session called "No Blog. No Worries" at Catersource and The Special Event in 2021.

Velia Amarasingham: Hi, I saw Christie Osborne facilitate a session called No Blog. No Worries at Catersource and The Special Event in 2021.

What problem or challenge were you hoping Christie's talk would help with?

Velia Amarasingham: At the time that my business partner and I walked into Christie's session. We were really struggling with the question about if we should blog and where we should blog. We wanted to try and figure out how to get the most bang for our buck as most as most people do.

What was your big aha moment from this talk?

Velia Amarasingham: There were a couple of really big aha moments for us uh during Christie's talk. First of all, she made it apparent that the best thing to do is to blog on your website. Because the main goal is to try and get people to your website so that they will check out your work and it will be easier for them to attacked you. So that was the number one thing we decided would be the best thing for us rather than blogging on an external site is to actually do it on our website. So we did that. We created a blog tab immediately and started doing that. The second aha moment was to use social media to tease the blog uh that's on our website and therefore direct traffic off the social media platform and to our website instead of trying to drive the business objectives of the social media platform by keeping people on there. So those two things were absolutely huge for us and truly influenced our strategy for both blogging and social media.

How did you use the information you learned to resolve this challenge?

Velia Amarasingham: Taking Christie's advice to blog on our website, really helped our business in a couple of different ways. First of all, it helped with Seo so that when people are searching for keywords that are related to the services we provide, we have a much better chance of being found. And also we were giving people a reason to get off our social media channel uh channels and uh go back to our website where they could then learn more about what we do and um find our contact information um really readily. So we had a better chance of hearing from them and we ultimately have had more traffic to our site as a result of taking Christie's advice. Yeah.

What were some real results you saw from implementing what you learned?

Velia Amarasingham: Two of the main results we've seen from implementing Christie's advice is that we've saved ourselves time and money by blogging on our actual website, not worrying about paying another platform uh to host our blogs. And also um we've seen more traffic to our site because we are um using social media a lot of the time to tease what's actually on our site, which is wonderful.

Produced with Vocal Video