
Corinne Gingell for Tell us about Moki Bands

September 04, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Corinne Gingell, PE lead/teacher, Sharnbrook Primary School

Why did your school decide to invest in Moki Bands?

Corinne Gingell: The reason we use Moki Bands in our school is because we wanted a way of tracking the children's activity levels within the school and to be able to pinpoint specific groups of children that needed, maybe some extra interventions that help them become more active. We wanted a really fun way of doing it as well and one that would engage the children. And so far it seems to have done that.

In what ways have Moki Bands had an impact in your school?

Corinne Gingell: The impact of the Moki Bands at school has been massive. The activity levels of the children has gone up massively. They love being able to see how, how active they've been at school. How many steps they've done? Have they beaten the other class? We have loads of challenges all the time, against each other, against the staff, against other schools and the Moki Challenges that you do as a company yourself to be able to, you know, beat other schools around the world. And being able to see where you are on the massive Leader Board as well and being able to move up into the top 10 is a massive motivation for them. They love wearing them, they wear them with pride, they look after them. they've, yeah, they've just generally really, really loved having their Moki Bands.

What advice would you give to other teachers looking to boost physical activity in school?

Corinne Gingell: I would definitely say invest in some Moki Bands, maybe take a trial of just a class first and see how that goes. But I, I can see how the investment is definitely paying off with the activity levels of the children and the motivation and that, that they're wanting to get out and use them and show how active they've been. They love doing our skipping challenges at school and that can show how active they are and they can see and look against other classes to see how, how more active they've been or less active they've been than their peers. We have loads of challenges at school which motivates everybody to be active staff as well as children. And we've let the children take them home as well and have family challenges and done it over a week - Which is the most active family within our community? So they've, they've really, really enjoyed it. The investment to start with does seem quite high. but the payback has been fantastic activity levels going up. Children want to come up with creative challenges to get everybody more active in the school. And they're always coming up to me and saying, oh, Miss G, can we have this, can we do this one? Can we do one with our friends? Can we go against the another local school? The, the sort of motivation, enthusiasm for being active in their lessons is great. It helps them to be more active at break times as well because all of the activity tops up over the day. They can see how active each different types of, activity in PE is. And have they been as active in yoga and gymnastics as they've been in tag rugby? Yeah, it's really interesting to see and you can, then pinpoint the different groups of children that are more active and less active and then, have clubs or different activities or, activities at lunchtime to, target those specific children or groups of children who should be more active. So, yeah, really great investment, I think.

Produced with Vocal Video