
Bill Fetech - MITRE Engineering Platform (MEP) Space ForceTestimonials

February 23, 2024

In this Vocal Video Bill Fetech explains how he partnered with the MEP to assist Space Force Project .

Video Transcript

Speaker: Bill Fetech, Principal Systems Engineering

How did you find out about the MITRE Engineering Platform (e.g. Word of Mouth, MEP Website, Division Meeting, etc.)?

Bill Fetech: This is Bill Fetech from the Requirements Engineering Technical Capability Area one of the co-leads. Now though I'm not the one who found out about the MITRE Engineering Platform I was approached by the project lead for the Space Forces program and specifically, the engineering integration office of the engineering directorate of the Space Sensing Division of the Space Forces Program. They found out about the requirements of engineering tech technical capability area and the artifacts we had to offer by visiting the MITRE Engineering Platform and looking at the MEP website, especially the artifact re-use library.

Describe the purpose of your work, main problem you were trying to solve and/or objectives for your work? (e.g. creating models/or software)

Bill Fetech: The sponsor currently was using Cameo or MSoSA Magic system, the systems architect for modeling their system and the system requirements. And they were looking for other ways of modeling requirements in a better, more robust area and tools and how to integrate and synchronize tools. And they heard about ways of synchronizing tools and and architectures with modeling and requirements management tools. That's why they came to requirements, engineering technical capability area of how they could use both model based tools M BS E tools such as Cambio M and MSOSA and doors and bring them together in a synchronized environment. And so that's where the objective of their work was, how they could integrate and synchronize those two tools in a more robust digital engineering ecosystem.

What was the size of your project team? (e.g. Number of resources on your team or the amount of money you are managing).

Bill Fetech: Well, the size of the project team was myself another engineer working on more on the model based side, the Sysml the MSoSA side, the I said the project lead and the task lead. Now we had a very limited time and the project, the sponsor from Space forces, one is prototypes of how requirements, engineering and requirements modeling could be brought together and one of some demonstrations and prototypes in a very short time frame. So we are constrained by both time money and resources. And we're doing this toward the end of the year in 2023. So we did this at a very short timeline and a very short budget.

What aspects of the MEP helped your team (Provisioned Environments and/or License use, Artifact Reuse Center, Solution Engineering)?

Bill Fetech: Well, the MITRE Engineering platform helped us in several ways. First of all, with the Provisioned Environments, it provided the the nerve environment to help us deploy the tools out there, both MSoSA and DOORS in that Provisioned Environment. But also because the RETCA and the MITRE Engineering Platform Artifact Reuse Center, we had models and templates out there both in MSoSA and DOORS, we could rapidly and easily deploy those templates to the MITRE Engineering nerve and then tailor those MSoSA and DOORS templates, those government reference architectures to the needs and the requirements and the structure of the Space Forces sponsor and those were easily tailored and presented to the sponsor within a week's period. And demonstrations provided an actual use of their structures within a 2 to 3 week period and multiple prototypes given over the next two or three week period. After that.

What would you describe as the most significant results for either a sponsor, internal to MITRE, etc. as a result of using MEP capabilities?

Bill Fetech: Based on the two prototypes we did for the, the Space Forces sponsor in October and November of 2023. The sponsor realized how effectively and easily this could be done and turned us on and asked us to start prototyping the use of their actual data and their actual models they were getting from the development contractors. We started that work at the end of 2023 we are continuing to work with their actual data and multiple vendor models to this state right now in 2024 and are continuing that effort and prototyping how we can show the sponsor how to effectively use and some of the issues they're having, we're having with their vendor models coming in and synchronizing them between the two tool environments.

What did the MEP allow you to do from the following? (save money, time, allow you to achieve something you couldn’t have without the MEP?

Bill Fetech: The use of the MEP, especially the nerve environment that let us easily deploy the tools out there, allowed us to easily synchronize, deploy and synchronize the various tools. And then the MITRE Engineering Platform, the Artifact Reuse Library allowed us to use the various artifacts such as the model, the templates, the developers guides and and in the near future, the training that's out there to provide this to the sponsor and show them the benefit and how all the artifacts can be reused. And we showed them in the prototypes, how easily and effectively they could be used and save them time and money. When we started working on their project.

Produced with Vocal Video