
Join us for the mobilization track this year!

May 30, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Courtney Joseph, VP of Mobilization , Pioneers

Courtney Joseph: Hey, my name is Courtney Joseph. I serve with a ministry called Pioneers and I am leading the mobilization track at Missio Nexus MLC this year.

Courtney Joseph: One thing I'm really excited about for this year's conference is actually the theme shift this rapid social transformation and the gospel. And that's something that the mobilization track will be speaking into a lot with our varying sessions will really be about how do we as mobilizers and as missions practitioners uh respond to the rapid transformation of our world as we mobilize people as they engage with unreached people, groups around the world.

Courtney Joseph: So wherever you sit within your church or missions organization, I invite you to come and attend shift this year. It's gonna be an awesome time together.

Produced with Vocal Video