
Waterproofing Contractor, Stacey Thompson

May 08, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Stacey Thompson, Owner

What is your name and what kind of company do you own?

Stacey Thompson: Hi, I'm Stacey Thompson and my husband Matt Thompson and I own a basement waterproofing company called Thompson

What were you struggling with prior to hiring Michael Mignogna's company?

Stacey Thompson: When we hired Michael Mignogna we were a brand new company. So um our biggest struggle during that time was getting leads.

How did Michael's company solve the things you were struggling with?

Stacey Thompson: Since we hired Michael Mignogna, um, our weekly leads have picked up significantly. So between our referrals that we had and the new leads that Michael Mignogna is getting us, we have a booked schedule and we couldn't have asked for a better start to a brand new company.

What are some of the results that surprised you?

Stacey Thompson: I think for us, the biggest surprise that we had after using Michael Mignogna was how streamlined everything is. He puts everything into a system where we all share a calendar. We all see the information of our customers and everything is in one hub. And that was a really big relief for us when starting a new company because everything was just immediately very organized.

Would you recommend other people who own similar businesses use Michael's services?

Stacey Thompson: Without a doubt, I would recommend Michael Mignogna.

Produced with Vocal Video