
Roofing Contractor, Paula Weissberg

April 12, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Paula Weissberg, Vice President

What is your name and what kind of company do you own?

Paula Weissberg: Hi, my name is Paula and I'm one of the owners for a company called Crown Remodeling in Owings Mills, Maryland. And we've been using Mike Mignogna for probably 7 to 8 years as our digital marketing person helps with ads in Facebook and created our website. He is the best by far. Very accommodating. Nice guy works very, very hard to ensure that we're constantly getting an influx of leads. I'd highly recommend him.

What were you struggling with prior to hiring Michael Mignogna's company?

Paula Weissberg: Prior to hiring Mike Mignogna, we basically were doing a lot of storm damage and sending out flyers and definitely getting leads. However, there's not always storms. So we need to work on getting retail leads. We could never really crack into that market. So we hired Mike and he was able,

Paula Weissberg: to work on our Facebook marketing campaign and now we constantly have leads every day and they're very, very warm leads.

How did Michael's company solve the things you were struggling with?

Paula Weissberg: The things we were struggling with. Like I just mentioned was the retail leads and Mike somehow was able to help us develop an area for our company to really market with Facebook. People. See the leads all the time. I'm not exactly sure how he does it, he just does it from me being a technological genius and this is where we are.

What are some of the results that surprised you?

Paula Weissberg: When we first started with the Facebook campaign, I definitely was skeptical. Um, obviously now we're in 2024 but this was, like I said, probably 7 to 8 years ago and I think it was just kind of starting with the Facebook ads. So I was a little skeptical of how we could get people to click on them and it's nonstop leads. Some are better than others. Some you have to follow up with and that's just any kind of lead. So he's mastered it and it's awesome.

Would you recommend other people who own similar businesses use Michael's services?

Paula Weissberg: As a small business owner, I would highly recommend Mike Mignogna and his team to utilize our services for any type of lead generation. Also helps with, like I said, um Google listing as well as the website development. He did does an amazing job on our website and people love it. I'd highly recommend him to use for whatever you really need as a small business owner.

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