
Jessica Lyle for Metis Sales Testimonial Videos

January 24, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Jessica Lyle, Director of Strategy and Sales, Mental Metrix

What specific challenge were you facing in your business, and what led you to seek out Metis Sales Solutions to address it?

Jessica Lyle: I work for an early stage company that's currently in a fundraising round and we have really big goals. We know we are going to be a disruptor in the space that we work in, and it's important for us to get our sales processes and our sales team right. We know that we have to build a solid foundation that can grow and scale quickly. And knowing Angela's experience working in a large corporate space where she learned the ropes, but also being a small business owner herself and understanding the number of hats that you have to wear and some of the growing pains that you go through as you get your company to that place that you want to be made, working with her, a really easy choice. She knows where we're going. She also really understands where we are and she's just a blast to work with.

Please describe a pivotal moment or result of your collaboration that had a significant impact on your company's growth.

Jessica Lyle: After working with Angela and realizing that our solution is really something that is more unique to our clients needs. We went back to the drawing board and said, "What really makes the most sense?" So instead of doing packages that were preset based on what we thought our clients need, Angela was able to help us strip those down to parts, figure out what we could repackage according to our clients needs, and really take a solutioning approach as opposed to, "Here is a product off the shelf." It changed the way that we engage in our discovery conversations. It changed the way our pricing structures work. It made it so that we could be more nimble for those of for those of our clients that are in a different price point. We've got people all over the place. But how can we still service those people who don't have the top dollar budgets but still get what they need without pricing them out? But then also really flexing into the spaces that are really robust: we know how we can build our core components into something that's going to be relevant to all of our client types. And that's not an approach that we had originally had. And she helped us figure out what we needed to do to get there. She helped us figure out the pricing of that. She made sure that our numbers made sense. And that set the foundation for the rest of our sales processes.

Based on your experience with us, why would you recommend Metis Sales Solutions to other CEOs or Founders?

Jessica Lyle: Bringing in Angela to help grow our team has been critical, and if you're a founder, or a CEO, or in a sales team that's still in its younger stages and you need help getting the knowledge that you need, Angela is going to be able to meet you where you are, get you the knowledge that you need so that you can be at the pace that you need to grow your business. What I love most about working with Angela is that she recognizes that while she can very much be a part of your team in a full time capacity - she's got the skill set - Our relationship is not one that she is the single point of success, but rather she's teaching us and we're growing alongside of her so that we can be a successful team because of the things that we learn from her. For companies that are more mature than the one that I am in, and that have more established sales processes, I would be willing to bet that there is not something that Angela can't review quickly and say, "I can make you more money," or "I can find you savings," or "I can get your books neater and cleaner," and "I can find the profitability of this particular client versus this particular client." I know that where I am in my company now, Angela is going to be my go- to resource for every stage of growth along the way.

Produced with Vocal Video