
Debra Zotto for Metis Sales Testimonial Videos

October 03, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Debra Zotto, Director of Sales, ATECH, Inc

What specific challenge were you facing in your business, and what led you to seek out Metis Sales Solutions to address it?

Debra Zotto: Atech went from no sales team and needing to grow their business to an amazing sales force that Angela Rakis (Metis) actually just completely put together and did such an amazing job, the research, the interview process, the dedication and the thoughtfulness to finding the right people for the right jobs so greatly went into this process for Angela Rakis and for Metis Sales Solutions

Please describe a pivotal moment or result of your collaboration that had a significant impact on your company's growth.

Debra Zotto: She really helped me to grow as a better Director of Sales. She directed me, she directed me on how to best perform the tasks that I need to perform and how to make the most of my time. She gave me a focus, said, go after, go after this focus. And I did. And has it ever been an amazing success! It has been an amazing personal success for me, financially, and it has been an amazing success for our company.

Based on your experience with us, why would you recommend Metis Sales Solutions to other CEOs or Founders?

Debra Zotto: She's looking for the people who are not only gonna come in and accomplish sales, but she's looking for the people who are going to accomplish the long-term goals of your company. She's absolutely amazing. I can tell you from my personal experience as a Director of Sales, Angela Rakis found me. She put me through quite the interview process and it was well worth it.

Produced with Vocal Video