
Chris Joseph for Metabolic Health Day Video Testimonials

October 02, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Chris Joseph , Pancreatic Cancer Thriver, Patient Advocate and Author

Chris Joseph : Hi, my name is Chris Joseph. Seven years ago, October of 2016, I was diagnosed with third stage pancreatic cancer and I found a way over the years to learn how to thrive, not just survive with a very deadly form of cancer.

Why is metabolic health important to you?

Chris Joseph : Metabolic health is important to me because I know it's the essence of both getting healthy and staying healthy. It's the essence of not just surviving with cancer but thriving with cancer. And that's what I've learned how to do over the last seven years is to be metabolically healthy.

What is one health tip that you would like to share on Metabolic Health Day?

Chris Joseph : The one tip I would give people on metabolic health day. Well, it's hard to give just one. Take charge of your health. Do the work. Be mindful of what you put in your body. Be mindful of moving your body. Be mindful of exposure to toxins, of reducing stress, of dealing with past trauma. Yeah, I know. That's not just one thing but there's a lot that goes into this.

Produced with Vocal Video