
Michele Fleury, Terrain Advocate Testimonial

October 09, 2023

Video Transcript

Speakers: Michele Fleury, Terrain Advocate, Breast Cancer Thriver

Michele Fleury: Hi, my name is Michelle Fleury. I'm a certified terrain advocate, a breast cancer thriver. And I live in Eugene, Oregon.

What drew you to the Terrain Advocate Program?

Michele Fleury: I was drawn to the Terrain Advocate Program in the early days after my breast cancer diagnosis. And I just knew instinctively that this program would absolutely help me stay on my chosen path of the metabolic approach to cancer to answer my questions, to support me in everything. And it has absolutely done that. And then the other part is that during my studies, I just felt this incredible passion and mission well up within me that I wanted to be of service to others to guide them on their path as well and to be a support person, because I know firsthand that feeling of overwhelm and anxiety and fear that comes along with a cancer diagnosis. And it's just a beautiful thing to be part of a community also that, that is making a paradigm shift in the way our society approaches healing and metabolic illnesses.

Produced with Vocal Video