
Can fasting help you achieve bliss?

July 05, 2023

Video Transcript

Doing this one thing can help decrease your risk of disease, increase longevity and achieve bliss!

Dr. Nasha Winters, ND, FABNO: In three days of water fasting a month, you completely change and upgrade your microbiome; 100% shift of everything. It also absolutely puts out any fires of inflammation, it stabilizes autoimmune flares, and it gives your body a much needed break from digestion to focusing on all of the other jobs that your cells are charged with doing, especially your mitochondria are charged with doing. The other cool thing that happens after about 24 hours of fasting is a level of endorphins get naturally released, then people move into a state of bliss, most often. That 1st 24 hours is a very mental game. It's not true hunger. It's more like, "I'm used to eating my three meals a day!" Once you pop through that, most people, most people feel very comfortable to continue, and then they move into a state of bliss. So, it becomes a spiritual practice as well. This is why this has been something we've evolved with since the beginning of time. Fasting, in some cultures and belief systems say says that we bring ourselves closer to God in those moments, whatever it is that you and the way that you believe, and the way that you connect with spirit, this is another powerful way to enhance that connection.

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