
Lizzy Cupples for 2024 The Mesa Pitch Nomination Video Collector

October 21, 2024

Check out Lizzy Cupples's nomination video for Data Sortcery, which made her a finalist for the 2024 Mesa Pitch, presented by the Mesa Chamber of Commerce.

Video Transcript

Speaker: Lizzy Cupples, Data Sortcery

Tell us your name and the name of your business.

Lizzy Cupples: My name is Lizzie Couples and I'm the owner of datasource Three.

Tell us about your business idea in 30 seconds or less.

Lizzy Cupples: At Data Sortcery, we offer digital organization and device management services. I used to work in consumer technical support and I would often hear people say, can you please just come do this for me. And so that's what we do for families and small businesses. We help them to manage their digital footprint.

What is it about your business that makes it unique, new and/or exciting?

Lizzy Cupples: Something unique about data source is that we start off working with our clients by doing an assessment of their current situation and what technology they're currently using, what their pain points are. And then we work from there to create a custom plan that works best for their family or small business. Um So instead of just offering a plan of what can solve their problem, we really try to make it work within the technology that they are already using.

Tell us why you should be on The Mesa Pitch.

Lizzy Cupples: I would love the opportunity to be on the mesa pitch to um get the word about out about my business. I've had a lot of success um working with family and friends for the past year and a half. And I'm really looking to grow my business and find families and businesses in the community who could really benefit from our services.

Produced with Vocal Video