
Austin O'Neal for 2024 The Mesa Pitch Nomination Video Collector

October 21, 2024

Check out Austin O'Neal's nomination video for Good Form Foods, which made him a finalist for the 2024 Mesa Pitch, presented by the Mesa Chamber of Commerce.

Video Transcript

Speaker: Austin O'Neal, Good Form Foods

Tell us your name and the name of your business.

Austin O'Neal: Hello, my name is Austin o'neill or A O for short. And my business is good form foods.

Tell us about your business idea in 30 seconds or less.

Austin O'Neal: My business was created because I was on a mission to create the healthiest and tastiest nut butter possible. That's how I created frosted walnut butter. Our flagship product um Walnuts because they are the most nutrient dense nut. There is very high amount of A L A really good for your brain. And then our process goes, all our nuts go through a 48 hour process to make them easier to digest. So we are revolutionizing the Walnut here.

What is it about your business that makes it unique, new and/or exciting?

Austin O'Neal: So, like I said in the last video, all our walnuts go through a 48 hour process. It's pretty labor intensive. We rinse them really well because they're really dirty. Actually. Then we soak them in salt water, we slowly dry them and then we flash roast them. And what that does is it removes phytic acid from the walnuts. The phytic acid is a big anti nutrient and typically a gut disruptor for people who eat things like bloatedness or it just cause an inflammatory response for people. So our process removes that uh acid and then also brings out this super unique taste in them. Um that when we add, when we go to grind it up to make the nut butter, we add vegan protein powder to it, two different types and it's very specific ratio to get this very unique flavor. It tastes really sweet without any added sugar, right? So it's like a really nice sweet treat dessert that you don't have to feel guilty about. It's there's no seed oils in it. It's it's really high quality, really tasty. Uh We call it crunchy. We have creamy and I'm also working on a new flavor too. We sell the walnuts as well. Uh After they've been soaked and dehydrated. So we call them like a gut friendly walnuts. And also we sell date bars like an energy bar where it's the date dates. Walnut butter and coconut flour. We're getting a coconut flour, so it's like in a bar too. So I haven't seen any other company, nut butter company do this process with their walnuts or their nuts in general. And we're actually working on seeing how much phytic acid that anti nutrient I was talking about is actually being removed. It's in the lab right now, getting tested. Um hopefully to get also um trade secret panted um since it is so unique and people are loving it. Um This company has really created itself and we're super shocked about it to be sharing it with everybody.

Tell us why you should be on The Mesa Pitch.

Austin O'Neal: Why I should be on the mesa pitch. I'm super stoked about it. And the reason I'm super stoked about it is because it is super healthy and super tasty. What I say it um super delicious, highly nutritious. And that's true. It's way healthier and tastier than your peanut butter, almond butter, sunflower seed butter, all of those. And this doesn't have any of the junk in it either. And it, our process goes is so unique with making it easier to digest that I just want to get this into the many modes as possible. And one way I'm gonna do that is learning how to optimally pitch and articulate my message and this product so that it resonates with people where it makes them interested in trying it and buying it and loving it and connecting with it. And I was ultimately passing that same excitement and love for it on to their friends and family. And I believe the mess of pitch will help me clear my voice up, clean up my pitch and help me see what resonates with, with others. Um Yeah,

Produced with Vocal Video