
Austin Gurule for 2024 The Mesa Pitch Nomination Video Collector

October 21, 2024

Check out Austin Gurule's nomination video for SavCoins, LLC, which made him a finalist for the 2024 Mesa Pitch, presented by the Mesa Chamber of Commerce.

Video Transcript

Speaker: Austin Gurule, SavCoins, LLC

Tell us your name and the name of your business.

Austin Gurule: Hello, my name is Austin Gule and I'm the president and founder of Save Coins.

Tell us about your business idea in 30 seconds or less.

Austin Gurule: Hi Save Coins is the first app that bridges the gap between loose change and a digital savings. Proving an effortless solution for anyone who wants to start saving one small cash transaction at a time. But it also is a revolutionary app that can help me some merchants and consumers. It empowers local businesses by we empower them by offering them a 3% cash back on all transactions, helping them avoid costly debit and credit card transaction fees, therefore boosting their profitability. But that's not all. We also, it's also a benefit for customers by rounding up their loose um cash purchases and instantly deposit them into their savings accounts. It's a win win situation for both consumer and for merchants by embracing save coins. Mason's legacy businesses can become leaders in financial innovation, driving local economic growth while making savings and spending smarter and easier for everyone. I'm excited to introduce Save Coins to you at the pitch. Thank you for this opportunity.

What is it about your business that makes it unique, new and/or exciting?

Austin Gurule: As I mentioned, save coins is the very first app of this of this sort. And it allows customers to save their loose change from a cash transaction from the merchants. And most importantly, for every transaction, the merchant actually earns three percent on that transaction helping that merchant become more profitable.

Tell us why you should be on The Mesa Pitch.

Austin Gurule: Yeah, I'd like to be on Mesa pitch because we've developed an app that will, will help merchants and consumers alike. We know the the inconvenience of having to handle loose physical change. But we've come up with an idea where now both merchant and consumers don't have to deal with the loose change. It can go directly into their accounts. But more importantly, we wanna help Mesa expand. We want economic growth for Mesa. And I think that through our app and our business and what we do, we can help make that a reality.

Produced with Vocal Video