
Olivar Brandrup for Meriwether Video Testimonials

December 28, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Olivar Brandrup

What problem was your company dealing with before Meriwether?

Olivar Brandrup: The biggest problem that our company went through was definitely acquiring new customers. We have been challenging the CBD industry for 6 to 7 years and we had thought there was no way we could rank for anything. We created loads of different content, created new pages. We even tried new migrations. However, that wasn't the biggest problem in the company. The biggest problem was that we couldn't rely on our direct consumer outlet. We also do wholesale and private label. And therefore every time we had to check the financials at the end of each month, we were relying on big private label customers to place orders. When in reality, we just wanted orders to come through our website because that had the biggest margin. Now acquiring new customers was one thing. But I think just creating content and using materials in house was also an issue. We weren't able to piece anything together. Um We were struggling uh with brainstorming. We, we had the right niche, we had the right products. Um But I think just getting started and, and creating that organic seo content which led to new first time consumers was our biggest problem. But overall it saved us as a company and, uh, we couldn't be more grateful.

How did Meriwether help resolve this challenge?

Olivar Brandrup: The first thing the Meriweather team and Josh did to help resolve the issue was to create quick wins. Now, Quick wins. Anything from creating a new meta title, a new mesa description, anything that needed to be changed in a quick manner and that didn't require a whole audit or you had to crawl the whole site. You know, this is anything that could quickly have an impact on our site, not something that needed a 2 to 3 month evaluation. Now, the difference is with Merryweather, he gave us those quick wins right away and we were able to implement them and see the changes to our site within three months. Now, with the previous agencies, a lot of the time, we would have to wait three or four months for them to even focus on the quick wins, which is what we wanted from a company, which is what we wanted from a consultancy and which is what we wanted from an agency. Now, that wasn't the only thing that Mayweather and his team did. They also created a proper content format which was able to help for CBD Gummies and CBD Gummies was the biggest concern that we had in the company we couldn't rank for this term, although all our competitors was ranking for it in one way or another. Now, we wanted to create content around it, but we weren't sure what content, what to target, what keywords to target. We just had a product page and we had a few blogs talking about the benefits, but that's, that was pretty much it. Now, Josh quickly asked us, what was the thing that we wanted to improve on most? And on our case, we just wanted to improve our CBD gummies as a whole, any, any type of CBD gummies, it could have been CBN or CBG. We just wanted people to try these gummies and we knew that we had some of the best, the highest strength, the highest potency. But that didn't matter because we couldn't sell them online. Now, Josh quickly saw this and he created a six month content uh format for a copywriter and he pre pretty much told her like for the next six months, it's gonna be CBD gummies, CBD Gummies, CBD Gummies. It's gonna be constant about this building, topical authority and that really helped us. Um And it, it's, it's still improving by this day and we couldn't be more grateful.

What results did you get with Meriwether?

Olivar Brandrup: Let me tell you, I don't know where to start with the results from Merriweather. Not only did he allow us to streamline our operations by cutting wholesale private label and focusing on things that were more cost effective. He also went from 401st time customers a month a month, which is what our main issue was. We couldn't acquire new customers and he took that to 2000. I mean, that's five X what we had before. I couldn't be more thankful of Josh and his team and what they acquired in such a short amount of time as well. And not only that, the focus on the qua ones was such a success. We had only, I'm gonna say only 700 visitors monthly to our product pages. After six months with Josh, he took us to 45,000 monthly visitors just for product pages. Now, you can imagine how the profit goes from there and we are just thankful for Josh and his team. Um And I, I don't, I don't know what else to say. This is just amazing. Thank you, Josh. Thank you Merriweather. Um We're in a much better place now. And we couldn't be more grateful. Thank you so much.

What stood out working with Meriwether vs your previous SEO agencies?

Olivar Brandrup: Right off the bat. I'm gonna say communication. Now, I didn't really think communication as a key part of the sco agency industry or what I was looking for, I just wanted results. And after working with Merriweather for six plus months, I realized how key communication is. It's easy for an agency to take over and just say a bunch of metrics, say a bunch of numbers, say that they're gonna change the traffic, say that they're gonna do all of this crap and they never do. Now with Merriweather, they tell you honestly, look, here's what we're gonna do and here's why it's gonna work. This is what stood out, you know, the clear communication, the way that Josh and his team presented different things and the different metrics and the different results and how he was gonna achieve it, which is what made such a big difference in, in the Merriweather team. Now working with prior seo agencies, I didn't really think of communication as a core value of what I wanted in the SEO agency. But I realized that after working with Merriweather, it's such an essential part and that wasn't the only thing we didn't have to go on these hour long meetings with, uh, the mayor team talking about. Look, here was the success this one week, but then that's why we dropped off. Look, we looked at the changes, we looked at what the results were. We made changes and then we assessed the situation from there. A lot of the agencies that we worked with and I'm telling you, we work with four different agencies. Now, some overseas, some in house, some um in the United States and all of them have been crapped to be quite frank. Now, with the Merriweather team, they make sure to assess the important part of the uh, website. Now, our website wasn't lacking in the technical part. So Josh is not gonna spend three months working on the technical part of sco. And, you know, the problem wasn't creating new products and finding new ways to expand your business, our business, it was actually seeing what products we had at hand, what were our best sellers and how could we sell that? Creating content, updating product pages, creating new pages. There's a lot of different methods that they did. But the problem with the other agencies is that they focus too much on the technical part of the sco when in reality, that wasn't really the, the key issue that we had at hand. Now, me Meriweather was good to assess that from the start. And you know, if your problem is technical seo matter whether they're gonna assess that and then they're gonna help you. But that wasn't the case for us. Now, a lot of the seo agencies, they're gonna grab your money, they're gonna grab 20 K for something that you can get for nothing. So I couldn't be more grateful and I'm just glad that we were able to work with Mayweather and the team and we're gonna continue to do so.

Produced with Vocal Video