
Raul Lopez for Patient Testimonials

May 23, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Raul Lopez

Could you describe how Maycer Dental has improved your dental health?

Raul Lopez: OK, Macer Dental has improved my dental health because these people over here have showed me the importance of having a clean mouth and keeping up with everything on a day to day basis so that I stay away from the dentist and I don't have to make it a continuous thing to go all the time. But every time I go, they are super sweet. They are super nice and very informative and I love them there.

Why would you recommend Maycer Dental to a friend or loved one?

Raul Lopez: I recommend Macer Dental because you go in there and they make you feel like absolute family. Like it's never that awkward moment when you walk in there. It's like, oh, I'm in a dental office. They absolutely make you feel so welcome, so loving, so caring, uh the people there from the moment you walk into the front desk, it's just such a welcoming attitude. It's such a welcoming vibe. Uh So I, I definitely recommend uh Macer D to all my friends, family and loved ones.

How is Maycer Dental different?

Raul Lopez: Uh, I think it's the people, I think it's the people that make Mesa general different and the people that work there and the vibe that's set in the energy. Um The location has a lot to do with it. It's, it's dead set in, uh, downtown La Mesa, which is very friendly, welcoming, loving. So I think that has a lot to do with it too.

Produced with Vocal Video