
Dihanne Welch's experience at Maycer Dental

July 11, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Dihanne Welch

Could you describe how Maycer Dental has improved your dental health?

Dihanne Welch : Can you describe how Macer dental has improved your dental health? Well, I've learned how important it is to floss your teeth every single day and to brush your teeth at least twice a day because you need those strong teeth to eat the foods that are healthy for you.

Why would you recommend Maycer Dental to a friend or loved one?

Dihanne Welch : Can you describe why you would recommend Mac or dental to a friend or a loved one? Oh, the people there are so caring and they, they treat you like family there and they, I mean, you can tell how sincere they are and how much they love their job.

How is Maycer Dental different?

Dihanne Welch : Can you describe how maser dental is different? Oh, my God. The technology that they use, you know, it's so up to date and it's painless. I've never had a procedure. Have any pain at all.

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