
Dawn's Thoughts on How Taking Joe Lavin's Continuing Education Classes Has Affected Her Massage

August 05, 2024

Dawn's Thoughts on How Taking Joe Lavin's Continuing Education Classes Has Affected Her Massage

Video Transcript

Speaker: Dawn Conyers

How has your practice or bodywork improved as a result of taking Joe's classes?

Dawn Conyers: My body work uh is much more intuitive and flowing and creative than it otherwise would have been. Had I not taken courses from Joe. Um I really feel that Joe gives um the body work community and um massage therapist as individuals permission or gives people permission to give themselves permission um to push the envelope a little bit. Um And over time, I think that adds up to a lot more creativity and a lot more longevity for um a massage therapist um career-wise um cause they're constantly looking um or flowing into new ways to approach each individual. Um And like I mentioned previously, um it gave me permission to um really feel into what I'm doing. Um And it became, has become more for me a dance. Um It's like painting, sometimes I'm not a painter but and feels very creative to me. Um And it's allowed me to deepen into my practice and feel that it is um a calling and an honor in a way that I really don't think I would have that had not been influenced um by Joe's work.

Produced with Vocal Video