Speaker: Jared Powell, Cloud Solution Architect
Introduce yourself (your name, where you're from, what you do)
Jared Powell: Hello. My name is Jared Powell. I'm a MakeMyMove Community Champion for Owensboro, Kentucky. I currently am a remote worker myself. Um living in, Owensboro Kentucky. I work in the I T managed services space and been remote for about the last nine years. I am originally from Owensboro Kentucky, but throughout my career I've lived pretty much throughout the whole United States. I've been on the east coast and North Carolina, Virginia, west coast, California, Arizona. Um and a few years ago, about a year and a half ago I was given the opportunity to move back back home to Owensboro um to continue working remotely. Um, and, and to be honest with you, I jumped at the opportunity. Owensboro provides such a close knit family feel of a small town, but it's also able to draw in and attract the top notch activities and festivals and music, um, concerts um with the perfect backdrop. So, um, it's a little bit about myself. Like I said, I'm originally from Owensboro, enjoyed it um, and glad to be back home
What part of town do you live in and what do you love about your neighborhood?
Jared Powell: Yes, I currently live in the Griffith Road area, kind of the central part of Owensboro now, I really enjoyed this area. It's uh mature trees line the street, older homes, um really laid back feel. In the past I've lived actually, um lived on in the Seven Hills area of Owensboro as well as the Southtown area. So these are um areas on the east side of town as well as on the south south side of town. And again, one is such a close knit community, Really good places to live and have no complaints of any anywhere I've lived here in Owensboro.
What's a must-do event or activity that remote workers should experience in their first year?
Jared Powell: I'd say one of the biggest things that brought me back to Owensboro was, was the amount of activities that are available. Um, There's seems like every weekend or every weekday, there's, there's activities of festivals, food events, concerts, air shows, boat races, um, and any number of events going on at the convention center. So the amount of activities that are available, um, for this area is one of the big draws that brought me back.