
Anna Zimmerman for MakeMyMove Video Testimonials

September 07, 2022

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Video Transcript

Speaker: Anna Zimmerman, Director of Program Development , MakeMyMove

Introduce yourself (your name, where you're from, what you do)

Anna Zimmerman: Hi, my name is Anna Zimmerman. I am originally from the South, so born in Tennessee, live there and in Georgia, but now I live in Indianapolis, Indiana, and I am the Director of Program Development at MakeMyMove.

What part of town do you live in and what do you love about your neighborhood?

Anna Zimmerman: So I live in Indianapolis, Indiana, which is a big city, but I live in a smaller neighborhood called Historic Meridian Park and originally we moved here just to get closer to work. We lived on the east side of town, but we're working on the west side and so wanted something that was centrally located. Um but what we found was way more than just a great location. We landed in a neighborhood full of people who um want to engage with one another. We have tons of events, we have an event, it feels like almost every month. And something that I just really love about my neighborhood is that all of the houses are really close to the street, so like right up on the sidewalk. So if we're sitting on our porch and someone walks by, you know, it's really easy to connect with them and and vice versa. If we're out walking with our kiddos, we can really easily connect with folks. Um and it just feels um yeah, it feels really great and like from, I don't know, another era that I can walk out my door and just easily connect with my neighbors

What's a must-do event or activity that remote workers should experience in their first year?

Anna Zimmerman: So most of the neighborhoods in Indianapolis have some sort of like event are big festival kind of as a fundraiser for the neighborhood. Um, and even though this isn't in my neighborhood, it's on the side of town that I used to live in. Um, my favorite event basically all years. Feast of Lanterns in Windsor Park. Um, big community event, There's music, there's artists, there's food trucks and you know, at desk when it's just getting um, I guess past desk when it's almost dark, they do a big countdown and turn on all of these lanterns that volunteers have spent hours upon hours hanging and it's just, it's a magical, magical time, highly recommend.

Produced with Vocal Video