
One-on-One Coaching Testimonials

September 06, 2024

Video Transcript

What made you decide to invest in the One-on-One Coaching Program with Dave?

After a successful 30 year career in business, both as a sales executive and entrepreneur and having sold a couple of businesses, I decided I wanted to enter into the laundromat business. Of course, I watched many videos of youtube content and follow the industry tidings. One that I had been following over a year was Dave Menz. What struck me about Dave was his honesty, transparency and his abundance of generosity. I became a member of Dave's site and we became engaged more deeply into his content. Last year, 2023 I scheduled a call with Dave to discuss becoming a coaching client. We talked for almost an hour and he agreed to take me on fast forward to 2024. I'm executing a 15 year lease on a closed 4,050 square foot store and will rebuild it from the ground up. Dave assisted me in the architectural plans I had designed, got me back on track with real world advice and coached me on the proper equipment mix. I didn't want to risk a distributor jamming a ton of equipment in the space and I wanted someone to hear my vision with no dog in the fight. Dave has exceeded his fee 30 times over. His connections in the industry with company heads and his deep relationships with presidents, owners and visionaries in the industry have become one degree for me. He sent a personal referral to the regional manager of the rock star distributor that I am partnering with and on my first conversation with my distributor, he engaged me as if this deal was not my first, but was my fifth store. He will guide you to achieve your vision, whatever it may be, self serve, wash dry fold or pick up and delivery. He has the scars of trial and error to steer you from making very costly mistakes. Thanks Dave for all your help, guidance, mentoring, and most of all, listening to this guy, which is not my first rodeo, but my first one on this steer.

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