
Karen for Lisa Shield Dating & Relationships

December 23, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Karen

What did life look like before END? What made you decide to work with us?

Karen: Hi, I'm Karen and I live in the United Kingdom in the southwest. My background is as an occupational therapist in mental health but for the last, oh, I don't know, 10 years or so, I've been working as a holistic therapist, in my own business. Life for me, probably for the last 8, 10 years or so, has been very contented, very fulfilling. I've got a great group of friends. I'm busy. I have a whole mixture of hobbies and interests but there's always something missing and that was that sort of one person that one special person in my life to, to share it with. And so the reason I decided to work with Lisa is that I heard her speak quite a few times on different, topics and in different, you know, seminars. And I really like the one thing that she said was to ditch the list of requirements, you know, that we have a list of this is what we want, do, do, do, do, do and just get back to what is your absolute, you know, sort of final five that is gonna make that person the special one for you?

What are the three biggest benefits to working in END?

Karen: I would say the three biggest benefits of working in this program are having the time to reflect upon past relationships. And that allowed me to see patterns that were re-emerging and repeating, which I didn't really realize how far they went back. So that, that was really useful. I would also say having, the coaching, the 1-to-1 coaching sessions, which is a space that I could express my, my fears, my doubts, the things that get in the way with one of the coaches that could really hear me and help me, I suppose, look at a different perspective on it and put things in, in context. And then the other benefit I would say is the process that we go through in narrowing down what really is important, what I'm looking for in terms of quality, qualities and attributes in a potential, life partner. And it gets you away from what you already know in your head to what is absolutely at your core and is really important in what you need from, meeting and being with somebody special.

What would you tell others who are thinking about joining the program?

Karen: I would say that it starts with you. We can't make changes unless we're aware of what we're already doing and how to change it. And that is something that Lisa does in the program through a series of exercises, you explore yourself, your blocks, your patterns, but then she gives you lots of tools and strategies to start making those changes. In other words, transforming. Also that, you know, to have your profile written from a man's perspective, you know, Benjamin actually, helps write the profile, you know, that's invaluable. Having written many profiles and not obviously finding the, the right mark or the right hook in for the, the person I'm seeking to, to come on board with that. I think the whole program is very much, it's in in depth, it allows you to really explore yourself, but it does so with an understanding of absolutely where you are or where I am. Lisa knows it, she's, she's been in that situation, as have the coaches. So it's not somebody standing from afar saying, do this or do that. It's lived in experiences which they share what's worked, what hasn't worked, the stumbling blocks along the way and it's gearing you all the way towards having the ultimate goal of finding the, the guardian of your soul.

Produced with Vocal Video