Speaker: Joan MacEachern
Introduce yourself! Where are you from? Profession? What did life look like before END? What made you decide to work with us?
Joan MacEachern: Hello, my name is Joan and I live in the Boston, Massachusetts area just north of Boston, a beautiful, um, coastal area. And I have, um, worked in high tech as an analyst for over 30 years. That has been my career and I had a very long term marriage 27 years. I have been divorced for eight and I decided to join end because I knew that I definitely needed to make some changes in myself. Something was not going right. I did a lot of dating in my mid fifties which went well. But then as I get a little bit older, I definitely needed to make many changes in myself.
What are the three biggest benefits from working in END?
Joan MacEachern: The three items that come to mind about one of the biggest benefits of working with. End the first, I would say Lisa, her coaching expertise is amazing. She's like no one else and I have worked with other coaches in the past. I would say number two would be the coursework that Lisa has put together. The modules are amazing. And if you follow the modules step by step with her program, you cannot go wrong. I would say number three would be the um the biweekly co coaching sessions that are a minimum of two hours each and sometimes they go way longer. So you may take, be talking about 4 to 5 hours of coaching every week. The material that they cover is incredible. The women in the program which range from all ages, their vulnerability on the calls. It's, it's not replaceable by anything.
What was your biggest breakthrough while in the program?
Joan MacEachern: And for me, what was the biggest breakthrough through for me in this class? Although this may sound simple for me, it was a huge mind shift and it was asking men in a nice and direct way. What I want in a loving way, sounds easy for me. It wasn't. And this was a complete mind shift for me.
What would you tell others who are thinking about joining the program?
Joan MacEachern: What would I tell others about joining this class? Oh, that's easy. I already have. I've told friends join this class because you can't go wrong. Join it and don't wait, don't waste any more time. I thought the money was a lot now. It's like, doesn't even matter.
Is there anything else you'd like to add about your experience in END?
Joan MacEachern: My experience in end has been absolutely amazing. I feel like I'm a completely different person. I'm present, I'm authentic, authentic. I'm not trying to impress anyone. I'm just showing up as a real person. I've learned to also slow down, speak slower. I've also learned how to take the feminine lead, how to mirror back a man's masculinity. And I feel like a whole mind shift. I'm a different person now, there is no doubt about it. I've even had a couple of friends say we can see a change in you.