
Assem Mamayeva for Lisa Shield Dating & Relationships Video Testimonials

August 20, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Assem Mamayeva

Introduce yourself! Where are you from? Profession? What did life look like before END? What made you decide to work with us?

Assem Mamayeva: Hi. Uh, my name is Asem. Uh, I am 37 years old. I, uh, uh, I'm originally from Kazakhstan. Born and raised and I've been living in the United States, uh, in the last 10 years. Um, mostly in northeast, but I moved to, uh, Seattle three months ago. Uh, that's where I started, uh, when, that's when I joined, um, end cor, uh, before joining the end course. Um, my dating life was a disaster. I have never been married. Uh, my longest relationship was three years and that was an abusive relationship. Um, the last relationship I had was about a year and a half ago. Um, was also unsuccessful and, uh, I just have been noticing that I'm just making wrong choices for the guys. Um, and I have not been realizing why. And, um, how do I get to date the only the wrong guys? And what am I doing wrong? Um, so joining this program, I, uh, um, I'm hoping, I was hoping to, uh, find out about my, you know, what the pitfalls in my dating life and, uh, what can I change? Which, uh, the course perfectly fulfilled

What are the three biggest benefits from working in END?

Assem Mamayeva: What are the three biggest benefits from working in end? Um, well, the first one is, um, uh, obviously the course content. Um, I think it's well curated and, uh, I like how, um, uh, the beginning of the course starts with the four weeks of deep work with the deep self reflection. Um, you know, working on yourself, uh, figuring out patterns, uh, negative patterns that led to failures in the past, um, in any types of relationships. Um, a lot of, uh, suggestions on books, um, in the other great materials and resources. Um, the second thing I like is, um, uh, coaches, uh, there is a, there are four sessions of coaching as well as, um, pretty much no limits on how often you can connect to your coach through email and, uh, coaches are very responsive, uh, and respond to you pretty quickly, uh, with direct answers. So you do feel, um, you know, direct one on one, you know, uh, working and, uh, feedback and, uh, the third and maybe one of the biggest, uh, um, influence, I guess on me is a group coaching, um, that happens twice a week. And, um, that's where, you know, you meet the community of like minded women and, uh, you get connected to them and then, uh, become friends as well as, uh, become friends with coaches to bring your, uh, concerns your wins, your questions to the call. Um, that helped me a lot to actually open up and, um, maybe understand myself as well. So a lot of times I, before that I was really close minded and, um, um, I mean, closed person in general and it was really hard for me to speak up, um, to express myself. Um, I'm still not perfect but, uh, I've been feeling so much, uh, more open, uh, more free to just, you know, bring up my concerns and, uh, ask questions and get answers. And I've been feeling a lot of support from the women as well as coaches, um, over the course. I, uh, I've been feeling that I'm, uh, being, uh, improving overall and that as well. So those are the three big things for me.

What was your biggest breakthrough while in the program?

Assem Mamayeva: Yeah, my biggest breakthrough in the program was um one of the last modules in the program, um particularly uh the module where there is the piece of work that Benjamin Shield wrote and it's called The Birth Right of Our Hearts. Um This was so uh touching for me when I read it, um I did cry when I read it and I'm still processing it, but it essentially spoke to my um questions that I had and I'm still having to myself. And when I joined the program, and it's the question about love, self love, particularly um that I've been struggling for um a while and still am. And um this particular piece just I simply yet like really beautifully describes what the love is within us and uh you know, how to recognize it in a way. And uh uh basically, it reminds us uh not to forget that it is just within us. Uh when compares it uh with the uh sun that, you know, uh despite clouds, uh the sunshine is still there and uh despite disappointments uh and joys, um you know, uh the love is just hard to destroy or maybe it's not destroy. So, um, this, you know, I was just really moved by that and, um, I, I'm gonna continue working, you know, on myself in regards to that. Um, I believe a lot of my, um, failed relationships as well as, uh, in general relationship with not only men, um, are greatly influenced by my, um, self esteem and self love or lack of it. And I strongly believe that that's the core, that I of the problem that I need to work on. And, uh, I think the course has been doing it very beautifully. It's, uh reflected in many modules, uh, many exercises that we do very deep in our work. So, um, that was my breakthrough moment when I read this, uh, beautiful piece.

What would you tell others who are thinking about joining the program?

Assem Mamayeva: What would I tell others who are thinking to join the program? Uh I would say give it a great thought and give it a good try. Um It is absolutely a big investment. Um but a big investment into the biggest and most and the most important part of your life, um You know, finding the, your soulmate guardian of your soul, love of your life, man, of your dream, however you wanna call it. Um It's life changing. Um um I don't think there's any course out there that, you know, so deeply goes into the details and uh all those dynamics and uh um you know, overall moments of the relationship uh as much as Li Lisa did with the, with her brilliant work, um like a lot of things I don't think I would ever be able to learn on my own through my entire, through my entire life. So, um you know, it's uh you know, a lot of material uh condensed in the best way to in a, in a shorter, obviously version uh to be able to learn within reasonable time frame. Um Yes, you do, you'd learn a lot. Um That would aid in navigating to this dating world and obviously finding the love of your life and guardian of the soul. Um the more compliant you are with the tr program, with the, the more success obviously will bring to you. And um that's evident from many um testimonials from Lisa's clients who uh uh did eventually succeed. So I am working on that as well. Um I do not regret that I invested in this program. I um have still, you know, more work to do, but I, you know, I uh gained such confidence that I don't think I would ever be able to get on my own. Um, just reading books or maybe like trying to obtain information myself randomly. So, hm, it's definitely worth the investment. Um I, it, again, investment is the most important part of your life.

Is there anything else you'd like to add about your experience in END?

Assem Mamayeva: Um I'm overall impressed by the amount of um confidence that I'm gaining uh by implementing, you know, all the knowledge that I've gained from this uh program. Um and then applying those knowledge and skills in dating. Um you know, in the beginning when I started, I just like, had no idea how to date and what to tell people guys um where to go with those, uh you know, choices that I've made and they just basically was dating randomly without any particular plan. And uh uh I'd say maybe like just blindly navigating through the world. Now, I have a road map. Um Now I clearly see what I want. I'm asking certain direct questions. Um My dating is very intentional. Um And uh I see that, you know, uh the guys, the uh uh that I'm dating actually are very um liking this as well. And uh many quality guys really uh appreciate this uh that I've done work on myself that I've done this course. Um Many of them are really curious about this work and I've been sharing with them as well um that I've joined and what have I learned and uh discuss some of the materials as well as share like recommendations on books or, or something that I think that would benefit them as well. So, um also, I, hm I've gained more experience in dating online obviously. And um a world program changed my mindset about online dating. I'd actually taught uh the benefits of it rather than, you know, our current um sort of stigma of online dating because most of women and men uh claim to hate online dating. And that's uh obviously understandable. There are a lot of uh negative experiences but uh Liza and her program helped me understand what's also good about it. Uh For example, you know, there's no way you could, you know, filter through so many uh choices guys, if you uh attempt to go, you know, and date live, um the amount of dates I had in the last three months, I probably would never be able to get as many. Um You know, if I try to do it um uh basically live and try to go out there and meet somebody um in person. So, yes, that, that, that's definitely a benefit. Like obviously you can, you can filter through uh your criteria. Um There is such thing as, you know, uh doing a video or phone call before going on a date. And this way you could just eliminate so many um uh unwanted candidates in a way and uh save yourself so much time. So this is something that I've learned from the course. Uh, all those little perks, little, um, tips. Um, there are a lot of, um, um, uh, uh, dating texts and tips on daily on the texting. Um, what to say. Also, I've been using, uh, very widely wildly, uh, chat GP t, uh, particularly, uh, on chatting with men. Uh, it's very helpful and that's, uh, also was suggested advised by the program by the coaches and Lisa. Um, me being um not a native English speaker, I've been, I believe I've been struggling with grammar sometimes. So, uh cha GP D just instantly corrects and gives you a quick message. Um, you know, kind of like creates a beautiful message of you trying to do, you know what, what you're trying to say. And eventually. So anyways, um a lot of benefits, uh unexpected benefits came with this course, a lot of like, uh, you know, like things that I've learned in an online dating.

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