
Sara Cramlet Limitless Lifestyle Quest Testimonial

June 17, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Sara Cramlet

What was going on in your life/business when you made the decision to work with Peter? What challenges were you facing?

Sara Cramlet: I decided to partner with Peter at a time where everything seemed chaotic to me in my personal life, my professional life, and I've been thinking about making a change, you know, having a little more control over my own destiny for so long that I didn't know how to do it on my own. So when he proposed that he can assist me and help me and he had done it and we related in so many ways on both our, you know, professional experiences, personal experiences. I just really related to him was excited about, you know, what we discussed about, you know, what could happen if I really, you know, put my plans to work. So for those reasons, I said yes.

What else did you try to overcome your challenges before you worked with Peter? What happened?

Sara Cramlet: I wanted to be an entrepreneur for a long time. I've, you know, talked to people about it. Members of my family have known about it. My friends have known about it, but I've not had any action, any plan. Every time I thought about it, it was all these obstacles, walls, challenges that would come up. Um So, you know, being able to help somebody guide you through it and help you through, it is amazing. And I think what really stuck with me about what Peter said to me when we met it. He said I told him about how I've been wanting to do for so long and I've had so many obstacles and, you know, don't know, fear. You know, he said you're in the right program. It's all about the mindset and changing your mindset. And I said, wow, and it's working, it's absolutely working. I'm overcoming a lot of my fears and feeling more comfortable about having my destiny and my future happen. So, thank you, Peter.

What made you choose to work with Peter to overcome these challenges? How did my coaching services stand out?

Sara Cramlet: What made me decide to choose Peter to overcome my challenges was that it really targeted the things that I needed. Um I needed to really, you know, change the way I think, change the way I behave, change the way I acted needed to learn how to, you know, overcome all of the barriers that I was creating for myself. Um I thought the program was well planned out. I like the day, the daily reminders. Um I like the activities, the C type goals, the reading. I also liked our weekly tag ups. We would have weekly calls and it was so, so great just to connect with him on a regular basis. and, you know, he would share his wisdom, he, we would talk about the activities for the week. I thought it was really great. So um the program in general stands out and that's the reason that I really like it.

What has been the biggest breakthrough you’ve experienced while working with Peter?

Sara Cramlet: The biggest breakthrough so far working with Peter has been my energy, my attitude, I'm feeling so positive. I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I've, I'm being, I'm being very excited about what could happen in the future and I overcame, I'm overcoming most of my fears. I think that I've noticed everything he taught about, you know, thinking, you know, positively and putting action plan and thinking big picture has been very, very impactful.

What has been your favorite thing about working with Peter so far?

Sara Cramlet: My favorite thing about working with Peter is just unconditional support. you know, any time I'm confronted with obstacle, I can go to Peter, he will, you know, help me, he'll find a work around. The encouragement is great. You know, sometimes we're so hard on ourselves that we don't see what other people see. And the reminder of always thinking greatness has been really great. I just love the positive outcome that that's happening and the positive outcome he is putting in my brain for my future.

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