
David Pilkenton for Client Testimonial Videos

March 15, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: David Pilkenton

What was going on in your life/business when you made the decision to work with Peter? What challenges were you facing?

David Pilkenton: I first met Peter when I had just started a new business. I just started my first business.

What else did you try to overcome your challenges before you worked with Peter? What happened?

David Pilkenton: And I was reading uh reading lots of business books and, um, you know, on youtube just like learning from different people, just capturing information um from a variety of places.

What has been the biggest breakthrough you’ve experienced while working with Peter?

David Pilkenton: So the biggest breakthrough for me with working with Peter is Action. Peter provides the accountability. Um He's the cheerleader, the support system so that, you know, like, you know, there's a little bit of a fire to get things done, but at the same time, you feel completely supported. So um really moving from a space of inaction of just fantasizing and thinking about ideas and thinking about what you want to implementing and putting it down on paper and getting it out into the world.

What has been your favorite thing about working with Peter so far?

David Pilkenton: Peter's become a friend. I mean, he's so intimately involved in different areas of my life, um, with my goals, you know, your goals and dreams being at the center of your life. Um, you know, he has so many stories and so many experiences, um, from his education as a coach, um, and his experiences in the corporate world, um, that there's always something new, even though, um, you know, we worked together for so long there's new material. Um, it's never, it's never ending. Um, I've never reached the point where I'm like, I kind of got all, got all I needed out of this. Um There's something else to look forward to something else that, um, is there to help me a new lesson to help me get over that next, that next hump.

Produced with Vocal Video