
Amy Byram Testimonial - Limitless Lifestyle Quest

July 18, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Amy Byram

What was going on in your life/business when you made the decision to work with Peter? What challenges were you facing?

Amy Byram: Hi, I'm Amy. And when Peter asked if I would do a testimonial for him, I was thrilled because working with Peter was one of the best decisions I've ever made. I would say that when I considered working with him, there were a number of things that were going on in my life. I had over a four decade career that I had really enjoyed and been successful in. But, um, when my father started suffering from severe dementia, I took time off and actually I took quite a bit of time off. So when I first started chatting with Peter about working with him, I was at a point where I'd been out of the workforce, I didn't know what I wanted to do next in that regard. I was considering starting a business of my own, but I was also dealing with some personal life challenges, financial challenges, all those things. So I really thought at that moment, Peter would be the right person to work with, to start figuring all of that out.

What else did you try to overcome your challenges before you worked with Peter? What happened?

Amy Byram: Before I started working with Peter, I did try a number of different things. Um I would say what they all had in common though was that they were not holistic enough. They were things like starting a new health kick or a new idea for a business. And maybe those things I would make progress on for a little while, but inevitably I would head right back to ground zero and where I started. So I would just say nothing was sustainable. And again, I think because none of it was holistic enough.

What made you choose to work with Peter to overcome these challenges? How did his coaching services stand out?

Amy Byram: There were probably three reasons that I chose to work with Peter as my coach. The first was that I did already have some familiarity with his coaching style and approach. And so I already knew that he was intelligent and sensitive and perceptive and just very skillful and adept at knowing when to push or pull or dig deeper or just encourage. Um So that was reason, number one reason, number two just was playing that out a little bit further, I would say during our discovery call, I felt like he gave me a perfect coaching session right then and there um to just only reinforce the familiarity I had um going into it. And then the third reason was just that in describing the approach he would take to doing our work together. I knew it was more holistic. I knew it would make more of a difference than any of the things that I had tried before.

What has been the biggest breakthrough you’ve experienced while working with Peter?

Amy Byram: I would say that my biggest breakthrough, uh as I did, my work with Peter was just a deeper understanding of the best way to handle pretty much any challenge or big goal that you want to set out and accomplish. I already knew that mindset mattered. I already knew that emotions mattered. I already knew that taking action mattered. But I really don't think I ever put all of those parts and pieces together in a way that does produce more dramatic, more high impact results until I had, um you know, some work under my belt with Peter. And now I feel like it really was a breakthrough in my life. I'm able to tap into that um for lots of different possibilities in my life.

What has been your favorite thing about working with Peter so far?

Amy Byram: Hm. What's my favorite thing about working with Peter? You know, I'm tempted to say something like every time I left a session, I felt like I did have some sort of epiphany or breakthrough insights that were really crucial at those moments. Um You know, I could talk about his skills and talents and all of those things, which I love. But I guess my favorite thing about working with Peter is I know it is not just a job for him. I know he cares and he wants to help people be able to do fantastic things in their life. And so at the end of the day that mattered a lot to me. That's probably my favorite thing.

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