
Dr. Arora at Sussman Middle School

June 15, 2023

Video Transcript

So really exciting effort here at Sussman Middle School and myself and our principal, Dr. Jagielski, we really came together and said, we need to do something within the school day, and where do we have flexibility to build in an intervention program? So we looked at all of our minutes and all of our classes and we looked at Ed Code and we found in PE that we had almost 200 extra minutes a week or two every two weeks for students. So we said, ok, let's talk to our PE Teachers, and then we talked to our Math Teachers because this initiative for intervention was in our Math Program. Our PE Teachers were completely on board because they said if we can have some flexibility with our numbers, you can pull students from our periods and then we worked with our Math Teachers to agree to work one prep period a week and they did the intervention during that time. So the students would go from PE and these are students who scored a 2 on the SPA test. So they were really close, nearly met. They're really close to getting to that proficiency level. So the students would leave PE and they would go to a Math Teacher assigned to them and they would do Let's Go Learn and Math EDGE lessons while also getting small help intervention from the actual Math Teacher. So it really worked out. The students loved it and it created buy-in for the students who truly believe in the program and for the teachers to realize how effective it is. So then the weekend challenges and the after school challenges became that much easier because the kids already knew the program and they loved it and they love doing it.

Produced with Vocal Video