
Vivian Mcrae Caughman for North Carolina Medicaid Lived Experience Project

October 01, 2023

After a long process to get approved for Medicaid, Vivian now has access to medically necessary medications to keep her healthy.

Video Transcript

Speaker: Vivian Mcrae Caughman

Please introduce yourself.

Vivian Mcrae Caughman: Hello, my name is Vivian Mcrae Kaufman. I am 55 and I live in Fayetteville, North Carolina.

How was your experience applying for Medicaid in North Carolina?

Vivian Mcrae Caughman: So my application process took quite a while because I was working, but it was part time, but I didn't qualify for Medicaid because I had no children under 18 in my home. I was married, my husband is disabled. He gets Medicaid, but they, I didn't qualify because they said I had no viable disabilities. But around 2020 or 2021 I was approved for my disability, got my disability, got my Medicaid and it has been a blessing in disguise. I'm able to now go to doctors. I wasn't able to go to, I'm able to get the medications that I need for all these chronic illnesses that I have. I have the freedom to pick the doctors that, I want go to. If I want to go to see a certain doctor. So I'm loving Medicaid.

How has Medicaid made a difference to you and your family?

Vivian Mcrae Caughman: Medicaid has been made a big difference in my life because I'm able to now actually get healthier because I'm able to get my medicines. I'm able to see my doctors. I can go to pain management for my chronic pain and go see my primary care for blood pressure issues or whatever. And now I don't have to worry about any of that. And, you know, it's a little cheaper than having to come out of my pocket with a lot of money for medications that I can't afford. So it's been a big difference and a great big help.

What challenges have you faced with Medicaid in North Carolina?

Vivian Mcrae Caughman: I haven't had any difficulties or challenges with Medicaid. I have transportation. I can get my medicines. Well, now we're having an issue with my pain medicine because of a national shortage. But I get it whenever they get it in stock, but I really haven't had any challenges or difficulties with my Medicaid. It's been a big help and I appreciate the fact that I was able to get approved for my Medicaid. So it's been a big help and I like it.

Produced with Vocal Video