
Lorne lettsome for North Carolina Medicaid Lived Experience Project

November 25, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Lorne lettsome

Please introduce yourself.

Lorne lettsome: Hello. How you doing? My name is Warn Lexam. I live in Wilmington, North Carolina.

How was your experience applying for Medicaid in North Carolina?

Lorne lettsome: My experience is phenomenal. Um I have a lot of needs and I want, and they was there to, um to, to um to bless me, to take me to another level, especially I'm an ex veteran and I'm trying to get my medical plan together and this Medicaid plan is wonderful. I, I just started using in a week and I was able to, and I do a lot with it. Ok.

How has Medicaid made a difference to you and your family?

Lorne lettsome: It made a big difference because I didn't have any um insurance and all of a sudden I started going through some difficulties, injuries, um dental, um mental health, a lot of stuff going on. And it's a blessing in disguise that, that I was able to get this Medicaid for me to, to sustain my, my, my life here on this earth. I understand.

What challenges have you faced with Medicaid in North Carolina?

Lorne lettsome: Oh, man, I went to sign up for Medicaid and they had this thing called family planning. Oh my God. Nothing I could use at that family planning. You know, it didn't make sense to me. You know, I had issues, health issues and everything was basically based on family having kids, vasectomies, all that type of stuff. And now with this new Medicaid, I'm so happy now because I'm able to, you know, um, use, I mean, use things that I needed, you know, a lot of things that I appreciated. Thank you.

Produced with Vocal Video