
Jennifer Jones for North Carolina Medicaid Lived Experience Project

November 25, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Jennifer Jones

Please introduce yourself.

Jennifer Jones: Hi, my name is Jennifer Jones. I am 44 and I live in Mein, North Carolina.

How was your experience applying for Medicaid in North Carolina?

Jennifer Jones: I had submitted an application years ago for Medicaid. So I had Medicaid for family planning. When North Carolina Medicaid was recently expanded. There was no application process. I received a letter that I would start receiving full Medicaid as of December 1st 2023. Medicaid has impacted me because I was completely shocked when I received the letter about the North Carolina Medicaid expansion. I already had insurance and Medicaid was set to start on December 1st 2023. It was very confusing because I wasn't sure if I could be duly covered or if I needed to terminate my current health insurance. I already had doctor and dentist appointments scheduled in December. So I wasn't sure if I could keep my appointments if my providers did not accept Medicaid.

Jennifer Jones: In 2020 I had submitted an application for Medicaid. However, I only received Medicaid for family planning when North Carolina Medicaid was expanded in late 2023. There was no application process for me. I was automatically notified that I would receive full Medicaid as of December 1st 2023.

How has Medicaid made a difference to you and your family?

Jennifer Jones: Medicaid has impacted me because I was completely surprised when I received a letter about the North Carolina Medicaid expansion. Medicaid was set to start on December 1st 2023. Although I already had health insurance to the end of the year, it was very confusing because I wasn't sure if I could be duly covered or if I needed to terminate my current health insurance. I already had doctor and dentist appointments scheduled in December. So I wasn't sure if I could keep my appointments if the providers did not accept Medicaid.

What challenges have you faced with Medicaid in North Carolina?

Jennifer Jones: Medicaid has been a huge challenge because I had so many questions such as could I be duly covered by Medicaid in my current health insurance? Would I be penalized if I was duly covered? I felt like the more I asked questions to Medicaid and my current health insurance, the more confused and frustrated I became, I spent most of December calling and reaching out to my Medicaid case worker, the Medicaid brokers, Medicaid hotline, Medicaid navigators and my current health insurance. I have found answers to most of my questions. Bit by bit. I am extremely grateful to the Medicaid navigators who took a special interest in my case.

Produced with Vocal Video