
Vikas Tyagi for Manager Program - Video Testimonials

April 21, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Vikas Tyagi, Head Marketing, Socomec Innovative Power Solutions Pvt Ltd

Indicate the program topic you have selected on the basis of the 22 shared (PDF attached to the information e-mail)

Vikas Tyagi: I cannot really express the profound impact which the recent management training program has had on uh more effective working with the team. One of the key elements has been imparting psychological safety. They need to feel that they're being listened to that. Uh one needs to exercise caution, uh also emotional intelligence. But at the same time, give an element of assurance so they speak out and then one has to really listen to them to the core of it and try to implement some of the good ideas which we might have brushed aside inadvertently earlier. But we need to really take this into our decision making and they feel what they're trying to say is getting implemented. It works like a force unleashing the potential and nothing is as good as this. I mean, taking them along in a joint work.

Can you share with us the professional situation or context you were confronted with?

Vikas Tyagi: Typical situation is when my team member is trying to make me aware about a specific service related issue. And so he wants to convey something from his heart, from the core of his heart. And this time, I have been more uh uh empathetic and been a great listener. And this really helped in the proper decision making.

What concept of the manager program was useful to you and what action did you take as a result of the training?

Vikas Tyagi: The most important element of the management program that I have really learned from is to overcome cognitive biases. No matter how hard we try, we are always colored by our own thoughts, our own past expressions, our own experiences and one has to stay clear and be very objective in decision making. So the program has really helped me in introspecting in trying to analyze the situations the way they are instead of, you know, and adding another layer of my own biases to that. And this I realize has really helped me in arriving at better consensus, better judgments.

Can you tell us how practice has improved your approach and what impact it has had on you, your team or other professional areas?

Vikas Tyagi: It's never really easy uh to put things into practice. So we have to keep trying and the endeavor has to, that we shall overcome one day. So by carefully analyzing the pitfalls and the biases we have or the absence of a approach which lends flavor of participation to the team, we have to overcome this. And once we keep trying and put this in practice. So in my case, it has precisely been that, you know, I have uh heeded uh this call to be more engaging, to be a better listener. And this has really helped, you know, this has uh given insights and allowed me to take decisions which were more constructive and long lasting and more acceptable on a wider audience basis.

If you had to share one piece of advice with another Socomec manager, what would it be?

Vikas Tyagi: With experience, we tend to concretize on certain notions, they no longer remain facts, but sometimes these could be merely notions. So sometimes we need to sit aside reflect whether what I have been thinking about as being a strategic effective strategy all along. Uh Is it really workable? Is it really going to help the team? Is it really contemporary? Is it really going to help reduce results on a sustainable basis? I need to question myself. And when I do that, I'm going to certainly find some challenges, some pitfalls, some areas of improvement. So the advice to uh another Socomec manager is precisely that, that we need to set aside and often challenge ourselves and try something different each time because we are in a dynamic marketplace. So we need to keep on innovating.

Produced with Vocal Video