
Vikas Gupta for Manager Program - Video Testimonials

April 21, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Vikas Gupta, Production Engg, Socomec India Pvt Ltd

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Vikas Gupta: Practice. I'll be sharing today is what I learned during our manager's development program is driving team towards performance. As I told you, I'm looking after production. So we have a situation where market demand surges by 50% for Circo PV switches and we have to increase our production by 20%. So then when I asked my team to increase the production, there was uncertainty and the stress factor which were asking me to be a more adaptive manager and drive the stress level into flow to remove the frustration and stress feeling. So what I did, I developed my listening skills and used the coaching technique which helped me to come out of this situation. And also this is helping in my personal life also. Thanks.

What concept of the manager program was useful to you and what action did you take as a result of the training?

Vikas Gupta: Majorly, the concept was deriving the team towards performance, listening skills coaching technique, which literally helped me out to come out of the situation. And this is also helping in my personal life also.

Can you tell us how practice has improved your approach and what impact it has had on you, your team or other professional areas?

Vikas Gupta: All this program and the techniques which I learn has helped me to be a good listener and listen more and more to the people. What instead uh what what I used to be was I was doing the giving the reactions immediately spontaneously. But now I have developed that much of patience that listening is also a skill. Sometimes it's not required that you react immediately. Listening also is a good tool to remove the frustration and bring your understanding to the understanding of the other people. So.

If you had to share one piece of advice with another Socomec manager, what would it be?

Vikas Gupta: The advice I would like to give to the others, my colleagues or the managers and wherever they are is to use the tool as they are in the same form with the team, share the purpose of this tool and then try to implement them, show them by the examples, how this is helping us, this is helping me and how it can help them also within their team, within their colleagues, within their personal life.

Produced with Vocal Video