
Annika for Testimonial for Leaders Lounge

September 02, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Annika, Retreat cook, yoga teacher & Ayurveda consultant

Please introduce yourself and share with us why you chose to join Leaders Lounge.

Annika: Hi, my name is Anika from living naturally. I'm a yoga teacher, retreat, cook and Ayurveda therapist and consultant. And I joined Leaders Lounge about two months ago because when I work alone in my business, I find sometimes it's hard to have a good structure and rhythm in your week. And Leaders Lounge offers three times a week, a chat, enough opportunity to check in and connect with others and also be accountable every Monday. We set intentions for our week, Wednesdays, there's a little live check in on a certain topic, some valuable input and Fridays we are going to celebrate. So this really helps me with accountability being clear, joining in with others.

How would you describe Leaders Lounge for those who are yet to become members? What do they need to know about Leaders Lounge?

Annika: So Leaders Lounge is all hosted on this beautiful course portal, which I really love. It's so beautifully structured. You can go in connect, you can access all the resource, all the recordings. Um Laura is sharing so much valuable input there for any kind of situation that you might meet as a solopreneur and it's a lovely place to connect as well. So you can use it as you wish. Uh It's really up to you, but I recommend really going in there. Um go following the rhythm of checking in Mondays, Wednesdays Fridays showing up there connecting with the others. So you really get the most out of it.

What results have you gotten from being inside the Leaders Lounge? (Accountability? Money wins? Mindset shifts? New friends?)

Annika: So I haven't been in the Leaders Lounge for that long. It's been two months so far and I really love the rhythm and structure. It offers me and the accountability. I can really go back and see what was it on Monday? That was my intention. And also really importantly, you get to celebrate your wins. It's so easy. At least for me to forget what I also have achieved. It's always so much focusing on what's still to do what, what didn't go so well. And here indeed doesn't actually really get to look at what's gone. Well, what, what can I high five myself for? And importantly, we're doing it together. So there's others posting in there as well so you can celebrate them, honor them, see how it's going for them. So it feels like you're walking this path less alone. And then for me, what's also been really helpful is the just the amount of resource that's in there. If a certain topic comes up for me, I look in the Leader's Lounge, see if Laura has um recorded something on this topic often she has and then I can just um go in and watch that. It just feels like so much resource at your fingertips.

What would you tell another spiritual entrepreneur, who is considering joining Leaders Lounge?

Annika: If you're considering joining Leaders Lounge, I would really urge you to come and try it for yourself because it's not a big effort. You can just join, you can leave whenever you need to after a month. And I would just say join us and introduce yourself. Also make the most out of it. Um It would be so nice to journey with others. Um More in there, there's space for more and it's just gonna create such a potent vibe there. Right now. The conversations are really, really great and high level. I love the rhythm it gives you and it's a real boost. To be honest for me.

Any additional words you'd like to share?

Annika: Yeah, I just really want to say thank you, Laura for putting this. Um Leaders Lounge together. It's such a lovely support for me in my business and I feel you're so generous with your time and what you're sharing in there, there are so many additional resources that I didn't even expect to find. Uh when I joined. I love the challenge we recently did that felt like such a gift. So yeah, just thank you so much for creating this really amazing value for such a great price.

Produced with Vocal Video