
Jesse Kuhns for Beginner's Course Testimonials

May 28, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Jesse Kuhns, Sunshine Larados Laundromat

What made you decide to invest in the Laundromat Millionaire Beginner's Course?

Jesse Kuhns: When we purchased our laundromat, we knew that we didn't know what we didn't know. I own a martial arts school. And when I about six years in, I hired a business coach and that helped us just flourish as a business. So when I bought my laundromat, we decided right away to just try to skip the speed bumps. There was so much information in the course, I felt like it really gave us the tools to avoid some of the pitfalls that are fairly easy to fall into if you don't know what you don't know. And so it gave us a chance to, kind of begin the research and really get deep into the weeds on what it is that makes a laundromat successful and not.

Which parts of the course brought you the most value?

Jesse Kuhns: I really appreciated the part on the distributor, uh, less then than I do now. As I've owned my laundromat now for almost two years, I did not understand, I heard him and I read it and I believed it, but the part on distributor, it is so important to have a great distributor. Uh I don't, and mine cost me quite a bit because I didn't. I think though at the time when I took the course, the part that I liked the most at that point in time was the ability to evaluate a laundromat. That part was great. But, in hindsight, I think having a great distributor is impossible to over emphasize how important that is.

Do you feel it was worth the cost of the course and would you recommend it to others?

Jesse Kuhns: 100%. The course was worth every penny I paid and has the return on investment here is probably, uh, not figurable. I mean, it's, it's huge. So, would I recommend it? 100%!

Produced with Vocal Video